
Non dirmi che hai paura by Giuseppe Catozzella

getoutgetloost's review against another edition

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غاضبه جداً من العالم

sarah_ayed's review against another edition

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psykokiwi's review

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Un libro molto intenso e triste. La storia vera di una ragazza che dà tutto quello che ha per inseguire il suo sogno.

ezrasreadingcorner's review

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I still don’t really know what to think about this one, I had to read it for my Italian class and am a little bit confused why we were reading a book about a young Black Somali girl who was a promising young athlete before she died in the Mediterranean trying to flee to Italy that is written by a white Italian dude. Yes, it was well written and yes, absolutely emotional and yes, an important story that needed to be told….but, in my opinion, not by some white dude hailing from the country that not only colonized Somalia but also that killed Samia, the protagonist, by refusing to rescue her. So yeah, this was definitely a hard read that made me angry and very emotional for a number of reasons.

iddylu's review against another edition

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Man, I really wish this book had been twice as long. Coming in at just a little over 200 pages, there’s so much that gets glossed over or sped through too quickly, especially in the middle. I did like the whole thing, but the beginning and the end were definitely the strongest parts.

shewwimonster's review against another edition

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I generally struggle with first person child narrators, but this novel was just lovely. It was heartfelt and sad and moving and inspirational and just a pleasure to read.

I received a galley from Penguin's First to Read Program.

pino_sabatelli's review

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La storia (vera) è quella di Samia Yusuf Omar, una ragazzina con una passione sfrenata per la corsa che, nella Somalia sempre più in balìa degli integralisti e dilaniata dalla guerra civile, insegue il suo sogno: vincere alle Olimpiadi di Londra del 2012. Mi fermo qui nel riassunto anche se probabilmente molti già conoscono l’epilogo della vicenda.Catozzella
Ora, avete presente quegli studenti bravi, diligenti, studiosi, capaci di fare temi senza errori, senza una parola fuori posto, eppure scialbi, banali, anonimi?
Ecco, il libro di Catozzella è così. Piatto, incolore, spento. Nel suo narrare non c’è un guizzo, un’invenzione, un sussulto, quasi che l’autore avesse pensato che la storia bastasse da sola a tenere in piedi il racconto. Purtroppo non è così. Anche le storie più belle rimangono sulla carta se il talento dello scrittore non interviene a vivificarle e poco importa l’argomento, perché qui non si discute (ovviamente) il soggetto del romanzo, ma come esso è stato sviluppato. Insomma questo romanzo assomiglia tanto a un compitino che, pur senza infamia, si piazzi a parecchie lunghezze dalla lode, arenandosi in una zona grigia che ha la stessa sapidità di una pastina da mensa ospedaliera.
E stiamo parlando di un’opera che fa parte della dozzina finalista allo Strega: “ho detto tutto” (cit. Peppino De Filippo).

saracicuttini's review

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emotional reflective sad tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


salmanadir's review against another edition

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salley's review against another edition

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قاسية كبرد شهر يناير ، مؤلمة كموت الأحبة ، كخذلان من شخص موثوق ، بدأت بغير توقعات و رحلت تاركة فراغا لا يملأه إلا التقبل ، تقبل أن الحياة تحتمل النهايات الحزينة و ليست جميع النهايات سعيدة ، ظننت أني سأقرأ عن الحياة المهنية لعداء وصل العالمية من المعاناة ، ذلك النوع من قصص الأبطال الذين ولدوا من رحم المعاناة ، لم أتوقع أبدا أنني قد أتعرف على شخص ولد من رحم المعاناة و مات فيه ، جعلني هذا أفكر أن هناك العديد و العديد من القصص الأخرى التي لم تسنح لها الفرصة لتحكى ، سامية بطلة ، سامية عظيمة ، سامية شخص يقتدى به الى حد النشوة ، شكرا سامية و الله يرحمك و يجعل مثواك الجنة .