
Het Jaar van de Tuinier by Karel Čapek

polaris_7's review against another edition

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Started reading the hungarian version instead

suzyq's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted relaxing medium-paced


tessyoung's review against another edition

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I struggled to get into this. I was given this book some years ago and had started but never finished it so I thought I'd give it another go. I recognise many of the characteristics and behaviours of the gardener covered in this book, from the plant identification and naming habits, to the obsession with the weather, watering, the constant work, the pre-occupation and the fear of leaving the garden, and the mud, oh the mud and the obsession with soil type etc. I recognise this despite this book being written over 90 years ago and set in Prague. It is this keen observation and timelessness that means it merits a 3 star review but that said I struggled through the slim volume somewhat. I did not find it as amusing or charming as other readers have and for me this is at the low end of a 3 rather than high.

valentilka's review against another edition

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Milá a vtipná knižka, v ktorej sa nájde snáď každý zanietený záhradník :)
Plus tie ilustrácie pekne ucelujú zážitok z Čapkovho písania.

ran_sophia's review against another edition

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funny hopeful inspiring lighthearted reflective relaxing medium-paced


I really enjoyed reading this book and it was a relaxing and refreshing read for me.  The author's sense of humor is something I really enjoyed when I read their work.

kittymamers's review against another edition

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olen kunagise lugemise põhjal eluaeg olnud kindel, et siin raamatus väidetakse, et inimese (või aedniku?) elu on lakkamatu võitlus loodusega. selgub, et sellist tsitaati siin ikkagi ei leidu. ei teagi, kes ja kus seda siis öelnud on. või kas üldse. kui ma selle ise välja mõtlesin, siis see on küll päris hästi mõeldud.

anyway, väga toredaid ja tabavaid asju on Čapekil ka öelda, kõik ikkagi sel inimese ja looduse teemal. ma saan aru, et aednikuna on mul veel kõvasti arenguruumi (olen veel aedviljakasvataja staadiumis), aga samas jälle, täitsa hirmutav, kui paljud neist lillenimedest mulle midagi ütlevad juba :)

swilkes's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted relaxing fast-paced


zaklina24's review against another edition

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relaxing medium-paced


complexwillow's review against another edition

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informative lighthearted reflective medium-paced
