
The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter

nelsonseye's review against another edition

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So I was a bit annoyed at how Sienna learned Cronus' secret. And about how the final battle just sort of happened. However, I did appreciate her specific role in said battle. Good multiple narratives in this one; I really hope that Cameo will get a happy ending (and her own book), although I do want to know where William's and Galen's narratives are heading. Kind of curious about Viola's story too.

alexa_ayana's review against another edition

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Apa yang kau bayangkan akan kau dapatkan dari sebuah buku dengan hero yang di rasuki iblis mesum, yang harus berganti teman tidur tiap hari? Buku panas penuh scene yang bikin berasap? Itulah "kekuatiran"ku sebelumnya. Bahkan aku bertanya-tanya apakah ini sebabnya buku ini tidak diterbitkan terjemahannya di indonesia dan membiarkan para fans seri ini merana?

Nyatanya, Gena jelas membuat kejutan berani dengan buku ini. Buku Paris jauh dari kata mesum. Kepribadian Paris bisa dibilang sudah banyak berubah dari tampilan mesum dan easy going semenjak kematian calon matenya, Sienna dibuku 2. Aku merasa kesulitan untuk membaca bab-bab awal buku ini yang dipenuhi narasi kegalauan. Bahkan kemunculan immortal kocak yang dirasuki iblis Narsis tidak banyak membantu. Sienna, selama ini menjadi "tawanan" Cronos. Dia bertransformasi dari gadis biasa-biasa saja menjadi pejuang yang tangguh. Oh iya, Sienna juga pemilik baru Iblis Kemarahan milik Aeron.

Interaksi mereka berjalan lambat dan dan tensi seksual mereka dibangun dengan perlahan. Tapi hal ini justru lebih menyentuh hati lho, karena kita seperti bisa melihat sisi lain dari seorang Paris yang selama ini hanya kita pandang sebagai manwhore. Pejuang yang rupawan ini bisa keras kepala dan sangat gigih saat dipojokan. Pertarungan internalnya dengan Iblis Kemesuman juga kadang bikin ngikik.

Dari sisi romance dan scene steamy, buku ini termasuk biasa saja dibanding yang lain. Tapi banyak kisah-kisah pendukung yang penuh kejutan dan sangat menarik di sini. Sebut saja fakta rahasia tentang Galen dan Legion, interaksi dengan Kronos, para Lotu yang mendadak jadi tunawisma dan tidak lupa proses kelahiran epik Ashyln (coba tebak, siapa bidan yang beruntung itu ha ha ha).

So far buku Paris termasuk buku paling romantis dari seri ini dengan konflik yang nyata.

shadowmaster13's review against another edition

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This was brilliant after such a long wait for Paris' story it's such a relief that the story went so well.Ever since I read that Paris who had to have a different girl every night wanted to be monogamous I felt for him. And lets face it as Showalter says in her introduction, Paris has been through so much since the beginning of the LotU series.

It's unfortunate that that the next book in this world will be about the angels. I've been looking forward to Torin's story for almost as long.

stormingbananas's review against another edition

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Still in love with this series. Loved the turn of events in this book, done well.
Im still waiting and dying for William.

nicolebanks's review against another edition

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okay so im actually torn btwn giving this book a three and a four (no way was this book five star worthy) I'm settling with a three for one main reason this book does not pick up until chapter 49. Now don't get me wrong their were highlighted parts through out the book (mainly maddox and ashlen ubber excited for them) But Paris honestly got on my damn nerves yes I get you lost your hurt yada yada yada. Paris was one of the first I feel in love with to see him not be anything other then himself even when he finally gets sienna is a bit of a let down.

I mean even the sex scenes were blah..except for maybe two and its sad seeing is how he houses the sex demon.

Oh and anyone who doesn't or didn't like sienna will not be pleased at the end I know I wasn't. It was a *rolls my eyes* are you serious? Kind of thing. *shrugs*

This book was entirely too long for it to have picked up the last three chapters and when I tell the last three chapters are amazing. They are amazing I went from yawn to "Oh shit." Very good ending to the book and nice set up to Zarchael's book I can not wait to meet the chick that's going to bring him to his knees.

Also um Kane's book? Anybody?? Probably another thing that ticked me off completely glossed over his disappearance. All other books had alot of info going on with the other characters this book? I knew kane was in hell and then pow that was basically it. Anyway before I spill all info on the book...not one of gena's best.

karinkim55's review against another edition

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Docela jsem si tuhle knihu užívala. I když se přiznám, že na knížku této dvojice jsem se vůbec netěšila a nejvíce mi dodávaly sílu části s Galenem a Legií (Už chci jejich díl!), tak mě Paris se Siennou velmi mile překvapili. (Hlavně ten závěr, to jsem měla bradu až u země.)

yche09's review against another edition

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I knew it. I knew i would love it!


Paris is the holder sex so no doubt the book is friggin hot!! I have been waiting for the story of Paris for like forever and once i got it.. well, there's no turning back! 4 hours of grinning, laughing out loud etc etc.. it was all worth it! I was so afraid that this one would fall short of my expectations.. but oh!! i should have trusted Ms. Showalter for a happily ever after!

I like how the story became more vast and meaningful since all sides were already presented. The two main characters Sienna and Paris are perfect for each other. I know that they are tailored to suit one another but damn they took to it to another level! I had my doubts about Sienna since she died and all.. i thought she was going to make it hard for Paris. Turns out, she wants him badly too so no problem there. Paris on the other hand.. oh my sweet, sexy and smart man... he's too good to be true. He battled his way to Sienna so i think he deserved her all the more. I am so glad that things worked out for him.. jumped for joy when he found out his married! haha! I'm sooo happy for all the Lords. I didn't expect the ending! NOT AT ALL!! I was so dumbfounded!! It is totally a game changer AND SOOOOO PERFEFECT!!! ^_^

Is there going to be another book for LOTU? I hope so. But i couldn't think of a better finale for this series other than this book.. hmm..

So thereeee 5 STARS!!!!

benitar03's review against another edition

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Cover looks amazing. My fav cover so far, and Sienna looks all sexy ahhh love this!!!!! And Paris's hair is wrong wrong wrong, shouldnt he have medium length hair thats brown and blonde? IDK I'm going to have to do a reread to find out!!! It's HERE!!!!!

raeofstarlight's review against another edition

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The amount of S#!T that went down in this book.

Kane's book is next? -drool-

yohina1989's review against another edition

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4.5/5 stars!

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