alexatthelake's reviews
717 reviews

One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan

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I think it's funny, but interesting how differently I'll rate thrillers versus romance or historical fiction. It sounds terrible but it's almost like I don't expect as much from them, which isn't fair. But here we are. This book is getting 4 stars, even though it wasn't anything life changing or overly memorable in the world of thrillers, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and was interested throughout the whole book. It didn't really have my heart racing much and I wasn't super on the edge of my seat, but I was consistently interested in finding out the end and had me guessing for much of it. 
The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez

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Look at me writing a review for a book immediately after I finish it! I can't tell you how or why I JUST got around to reading this one, but it didn't disappoint, as expected. For a while, I thought it would be my favourite Abby book, but I don't think it'll quite take that crown from Yours Truly. 

A quick note before I just gush about the book - I was a little tired of the back and forth in the middle of the book, even if I understood the point of it. I just felt as though it could have been wrapped up a bit better instead of the same back and forth over and over. 

NOW - this book was heartbreakingly beautiful. The idea of your dog finding your soulmate for you resinates deep in my soul. The grief and how it was dealt with was beautiful. I have adored every single one of Abby Jimenez's male main characters because they're all literally just perfect. I love the banter between the friends in her books, both hilarious and equally supportive with tough love. I could probably sit here and continue gushing forever over how much I adore her characters and her stories and her writing but I'll just say this was a hit - a really really beautiful one. 
Better Hate than Never by Chloe Liese

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While I definitely enjoyed this book, it won't be my favourite Chloe book and I don't think it'll be super memorable either. The first in this series didn't super vibe for me either, but I still very much enjoy Liese's writing. I will say that I loved this one more than the first in the series because of the communication that clearly improved from the last. LOL. I do think that maybe my opinion is a little swayed because I've read so many amazing romances lately. 
She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

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She's Not Sorry is a quick, top notch thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat through the whole book! Funny enough I usually don't love thrillers that have a bunch of storylines, but this book really connected together perfectly. It seemed so chaotic and confusing through a lot of it, but it made my mind spin in such a good way! I did love that it wasn't based on an unstable narrator at all. 
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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Is this my new favourite Emily Henry book? Probably. But is Miles my favourite Henry book boyfriend? Absolutely. 

This book felt a little chaotic, but in the sweetest and most lovable way. Your heart just aches for both of the main characters. Henry just creates these beautiful, broken people that you totally relate to. I really associated with Daphne and her feelings of not being anyone's first choice and I think that made a huge impact on how much I loved this book and Daphne's story. 
Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth

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Woooaah, this is easily Sally Hepworth's best book. Talk about wild twists and turns, on the edge of your seat dramatic. I was fully engaged the whole book and couldn't get enough. This book was really dark, different than a lot of Hepworth's books. I loved the back and forth with the different POV's from the sisters, and all the easter eggs throughout the book. 

Please be aware of all the triggers in this one, because I wasn't aware of any of them and it threw me a little bit and I wasn't super comfortable for some of it. Also keep in mind this isn't necessarily a thriller, so don't have that mindset going in. 

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After We Collided by Anna Todd

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Okay, so I now see why so many people read (and even loved!) the first book in this series but didn't continue on with this book or the rest of the series. I couldn't get enough of the first book and thought I'd be just as obsessed with this one, and while I still flew through it and couldn't stop, it was WAY too cringe and dramatic and horrifically toxic I don't know if I'm going to keep going.

This book is literally the definition of a toxic relationship, in case anyone was wondering. 
A Man Downstairs: A Novel by Nicole Lundrigan

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There were so many moments throughout this book I was so confused in all of the best ways while listening to a thriller. I was thrown through so many loops, it shocked me and spun me back around. Lundrigan is a master of twisting and turning POV's to confuse you and keep you on the edge of your seat. 

After by Anna Todd

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LOL this book. It was the biggest dumpster fire I’ve ever read. It was so cringe, so awkward, SO unbelievably toxic and dangerous behaviour. This book is the definition of a red flag. The writing wasn’t even really that good at all if I'm being honest. 

In saying all of that, I’m horribly obsessed. This is like every high school dream, the good girl getting the bad boy and can't get enough of each other. Guilty pleasure? Definitely. Would I ever suggest this to a teenager or young adult? Absolutely not. 

The Only One Left by Riley Sager

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Does Sager have a word count that he feels the need to hit in his books? I consider myself a fairly quick reader, not a speed reader by any means, but I can definitely get through books quickly, I feel like it took forever to read this book.. There’s just so many words. Useless words.

I'll admit that this book is one of Sager's better ones. His last few have been absolute... not good books, to be a little kinder because I know people enjoy them. I was super hesitant to read this and even more surprised when I ended up kind of enjoying it. It's definitely not going to make any favourites list or be a book I'm going to highly recommend anyone read, but this one was in fact not terrible.