bibliobliss's reviews
133 reviews

Whispers of Deception: Marriage of Convenience Dark Romance by K.T. Maddan

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This was a fast and nice read. To be quite honest I wasn't that interested. I didn't have any wow moments. 

The writing style was pretty good. The author clearly knows how to portray a scene in a descriptive yet powerful way.
 The concept as well was pretty good. I love that ex bodyguard/ex boyfriend has a grudge, marriage of convenience storyline. That I found really interesting. 

However I didn't connect with any of the MCs. I didn't care for them. It's not that I didn't like Ethan or Lila, I just felt indifferent. That may be why their story didn't have much of an impact on me. Even their spicy scenes had no effect on me. 

This is just my opinion. This just wasn't for me personally.
Confessions of a Virgin on a Dating App by Sydney Wilder

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 Rating: 3.5⭐️
 Spice: 🌶 

Favorite Quote: "Why is being a woman so  difficult?" 

I did not understand the nerd speak at all but it was soooo adorable. 

The representation of a woman's struggle with her sexuality as a result of not only her religious upbringing but also her chronic illness was amazing! 

The amount of times people said "Endometriosis. What's that?" is pretty interesting and I didn't mind at all because I had absolutely no clue and I'm pretty sure a lot of people are the same. 

From the start I was shouting BE WITH DEV! YOU WANT DEV! 😂 And when they finally got together I was so happy. He is so understanding and the way he cares for her is just amazing. 

I loved this book!
Cursed by a Siren's Kiss by Riley Hunt

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Rating: 4.5⭐️
Spice: 🌶🌶🌶 

Favorite Quote: "We were all monsters…  It only mattered who told our story." 

I've never seen Pirates of the Caribbean and I have no idea what it's about but I do love The Little Mermaid and that drew me in! 

Kipp is dark. He's a product of his curse. Most men want the money, power, women and Kipp enjoyed that but he wants more. And I loved that! He wanted to feel, to love, to hurt and Talia was the ideal woman for him. 

Talia is an actual goddess (speaking of which I'm gonna need some explanation on that parental switch at the end there) She's strong, she's determined and she is vicious!! I mean dang I would want her to defend me any day. 

Going along for the wild quest of them attempting to break the curse was so much fun. It was adventurous, pretty easy to follow along and very enjoyable. 

I'm 2 books into this Once Upon a Curse series and I am very very impressed.
Matteo by T. Princeton

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I could not stop reading this. Good Lord what kind of crack did you put in this book T Priceton? I am hooked, obsessed and everything in between. 

I would like to petition to sign a contract to marry Matteo. PLEASE. That man is such an asshole but he's a sexy, protective asshole. Yes please! 

Lux is my spirit animal 😂. This woman is tough!!!! Imagine being "kidnapped" by a scary man and your first instinct is yea let's stab this guy. She is fierce. I want to be her when I grow up 😂😂😂. 

Read. This. Book. If you love Mafia romances, this is the book for you! 
Dirty Lying Wolves by Sabrina Blackburry

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Rating: 3.5⭐️
Spice: 🌶 

I had a lot of fun reading this book. 

I found the writing style of this author is strong and the MCs very veryyyy likeable (also Juniper Gunn is such a cool name).
Even the side characters were so likeable and fun to experience (except Evander don't like him). There were quite a lot but it was easy to navigate the who's who of it all. 

While it is book 3 of a set, it can be read as a standalone. But I would recommend reading books 1 & 2. I hadn't and to be quite honest the first 1/4 of the book was pretty confusing. There were a lot of references to occurrences I assume took part in the first 2 books. 

All in all I did enjoy June & Dom's journey both in love & in finding themselves.
Cursed by Gold by Jamie Dalton

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Rating: 5⭐️
Spice: 🌶 

Wow just wow. This is the first Cinderella Retelling I've ever has the pleasure of reading and it lived up to my expectations and more. 

Before I dive in can I just say the consideration to put PADDING IN THE FREAKING GLASS SLIPPERS was appreciated since no one in the original Cinderella thought to do that. 

Anyways let's start with Scarlet. Love her, want to be her. Wow. She is amazing!!!! Badass to the nth degree. She has a goal in mind and there is nothing she wouldn't do to reach there. She's not a defenseless woman but she knows when to mask her strength and play up on the whole damsel in distress thing. golden God you can touch me any time (I say in a non creepy way). I love him so much. 💛 

Hands down would recommend to everybody! Read this book you will not regret it. 10/10 enough said.
Grave Obsession by J.L. Quick

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Rating: 4.5⭐️
Spice: 🌶🌶🌶🌶 

Favorite Quote: Do you prefer to be called ‘my good fucking girl’ or ‘dirty little whore’ with your hand-necklaces? 

The dedication was a perfectly written notice for how the rest of this novella is. I FRICKING LOVED IT!!! 

Graves is obsessed with Kayce and to be quite honest I'd like to know how to get him to be obsessed with me 😂🤤. He is sexy (I mean who doesn't love a masked man), protective and HOT HOT HOT! 

Kayce is smart as heck and has her dark fantasies that Grave is more than happy to go along with. 

This novella was so quick to read, spicy as heck and I lovedddd it!!
HIB Securities (The Organization Collection) by Claudia Burgoa

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Rating: 4⭐️
Spice: 🌶🌶

This was a special experience for me. It was the 1st time I've ever listened to an audiobook and it's the first time I've ever been introduced to Claudia Burgoa and I LOVEDDD IT!! HIB Securities is made up of 4 books.

Suddenly Broken & Suddenly Us:
Mason & Ainsley's story drew me in and I couldn't stop. Mason is such a loveable dummy and the way he loves Ainsley (and refers to James as his own) was just breathtaking.

Until I Fall:
I adored Hawk & his story. His relationship with his mother and him coming to terms with losing her was so heartbreaking and sweet.
Aspen on the other hand I couldn't stand. I did not like her at all. Every time it was her perspective I got annoyed. I just did not like her.

Fight For Me:
Wow I love this story. Harrison & Luna are quite possible the most perfect couple. They were made for each other right from the start. 100% would recommend. I need to binge the rest of the Everhart brothers books ASAP!
Fight for Me by Claudia Burgoa

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The way I DEVOURED THIS. I couldn't stop at all. 

I would like to know where I can purchase 14 Harrisons! A man who literally practice yoga just to spend time with his woman is a man to keep for life. He is absolute perfection. I can't. I'm sorry I'm in love. I couldn't write a book on how much I love this man 😍 😭 

Luna is so quirky and kickass and absolutely everything Harrison needs! Luna's mind for finding patterns is just so amazing. I adore her. 

I love this couple so much. I'm sorry Mason & Ainsley you've been replaced. Harrison & Luna is my new favorite
About That One Night by Kendall Hale

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Rating: 4.5⭐️
Spice: 🌶🌶🌶 

Favorite Quote: “Yeah,” I mumble, “because nothing says, ‘I’m totally over you’ like arson charges,” 

Zoe is probably the most relatable FMC I've ever came across. She is funny, sarcastic and hit a bit of a snag in life and had to move back in with her parents. 

Max is so sexyyyyy and just ughhhh mouth watering. He's sweet, loving, caring and tries to bring Zoe out of her shell in the most ridiculous ways. 

I had sooo much fun. I laughed so hard. The 1st chapter was my absolute favorite. I just loved this book!!!