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3761 reviews
The Woods, Vol. 5: The Horde by James Tynion IV
This was so crazy!! So much has changed and these kids are going through so freaking much! I'm curious to see what they are going to do to keep themselves safe from these horrible creatures and the power of the planet. I can't imagine going through what they're going through. This was AMAZING. If you haven't checked them out yet please do so soon.
The Beauty, Volume 3 by Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
This was an interesting aspect of the series but also in some ways not necessary. I understand having one "beauty" killer but having an additional one seemed a little like overkill. I did enjoy learning how the characters from volume 1 for their start. It made everything so interesting. This is definitely an insight to the social ramifications to having the beauty or even wanting the beauty or just wanting to date without having to worry about the beauty. Yes this comic book series is science fiction in nature but it's also a social statement which is what I really enjoy. I'm interesting in seeing where they take the rest of this comic.
Fables: The Deluxe Edition, Book Three by Bill Willingham
YESSSSS I loved this volume! Everything about it was amazing down to the pregnancy of Snow to Pinocchio finding out that his father might be alive. I had forgotten some things about it, but now I remember everything. I can't wait to continue to explore everything related to these characters.
Slam! Vol. 1 by Pamela Ribon
This was such a cute comic! I've heard of roller derby but this definitely gave me a better and more in-depth explanation of the game. We follow two main characters who go from being rookies to a part of a team. It was amazing to see their growth and development as players and as individuals. Through the game their friendship is challenged, but they find ways to push through. I loved the artwork. It was vibrant and beautiful. And I really enjoyed the plot itself. I'm looking forward to move from this story and characters.
Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust by Loïc Dauvillier
Great children's perspective of World War II. Loved the illustrations. Full review to come.
The Great Pet Escape by Victoria Jamieson
Quick, cute read! I'm so used to reading adult graphic novels so it was nice to check out a children's one that was easy to read with beautiful illustrations.
Justice League, Volume 1: The Extinction Machines by Bryan Hitch
This was not as enjoyable as I expected and that's probably why it took me so long to read it. I get that the original superman is back and I love that; however, this plot was awful. It didn't make sense and there's this awkward thing going on between Barry and Jessica. I just hope this whole thing gets better but from my understanding it won't at all. This was my first time reading any justice league comics and I just expected a whole lot me and a whole lot better thank what I just read. Smh The artwork was great though haha
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
Okay so I have a lot to say about this one. I didn't really enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The format was really hard to get into and then on top of that I truly believe that the narrator was unreliable. There were things that he stated in his personal journal that didn't line up with his testimony which almost made me feel like something about the situation wasn't completely right. I just wanted more from the novel and I'm not sure if it was the authors intention to keep everything so vague, but I literally finished this book in one sitting and didn't understand why I started it to begin with. I didn't really understand the whole premise of the case, it felt as though pieces were missing and it seemed as though everything was based on hearsay. To be quite honest, I really didn't enjoy it. If anyone has a better perspective of the novel please let me know.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
This book was a heck of a lot better than what I was expecting! It was really good and I definitely enjoyed the ending. I'm glad I actually had to read this for class or I would have never picked it up. That last memo blew my mind! I didn't expect that to happen. Im not a huge fan of dystopian books however this one definitely caught my attention. The writing was fast paced and Dashner definitely paid attention to detail. I'm sure everyone has picked this book up but if you haven't I would definitely recommend it.
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
This was such an amazing book and I can definitely understand why people loved it so much. It was empowering and I loved reading about the changes that Woodson went through as a child. We also received the opportunity to get insight to the political, social, and economic climate of the country. Even then it was so different from me because it was all through the eyes of a child. If you haven't read this book I definitely need you to pick it up.