bookishrealm's reviews
3761 reviews

Hello, Red Fox by Eric Carle

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This is definitely one of my favorites. Carle has created this book that teaches children that every color has an opposite, but in fun and creative way. I love that he allows readers to stare at this dot and see the opposite image and color on the next page. It was beautifully done and one of the most unique picture books that I've seen in a while.
A Piece of Cake by LeUyen Pham

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Cute book about sharing and the benefits of sharing. The pictures were amazing, but the storyline didn't do much for me.
Sailor Moon 1 by Naoko Takeuchi

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This manga brought back so many memories! I was so happy to read it and step back into the world of Sailor Moon. If you haven't read this manga I would definitely recommend checking it out. I'm not sure what the difference is between the original manga and this one, but I do know that I definitely enjoyed reading it! I'll be watching the anime and reading the manga for the rest of the year.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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Update! Here's my full review:

I definitely feel some type of way about this book. I just don't know the exact feelings haha. This book was extremely slow for me and at some parts of the book I considered DNFing it but for some reason I was curious enough to continue and see what happened to the characters. Let me start by saying that I despised the love square. To me it was completely unnecessary. I think the world building could have used more work. I know people were saying that this had a Roman type feel to it but I must have missed it because to me it just felt as though it could have taken place anyway. Throwing in words like Coliseum and Legionnaire doesn't complete world building in my eyes. I don't know I just feel like this book could have used a lot more work. I did like the writing style and the ending was enough for me to have a slight interest in the second book but its not a high priority and I'll probably check it out from the library. I just don't think this was a good book for me.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

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There aren't enough words that could even begin to describe what I felt after reading this book. I definitely teared up and got emotional at the end. From personal experience, it's not easy losing someone to gun violence and then it's even more difficult when there is no justice even when an innocent life has been taken. This book was pure poetry from the beginning to the end. I read a library copy and I need to go get my own so I can annotate it. Nothing I say will do this book justice. It's way too beautiful and way too important for my simple words. All I can say is that if you don't read anything this year then the one thing that you should read is this book. It's important to what's going on in our country and it's important to the future of our country. I've heard people bad mouth the #blacklivesmatter movement which has completely and totally pissed me off. Sure there have been people who have done wrong in the name of the movement but that doesn't mean that the entire movement is bad. These are people who simply want justice for the crimes that were committed against human beings. I loved this book y'all. And I'm emotional as I type this. I will be writing a full review this week. I can't wait.
Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige

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This definitely was not what I was expecting. I thought there was going to be more to the story and I felt like the plot line was stretched out beyond reason. I don't know why the Nome King was added to the story. He doesn't really feel like he really needed to be there and I feel like Amy isn't the same girl that I liked in book one and two. To be honest, I was just really disappointed in this book as a whole. It didn't wow me or really even pull me in and I just expected so much more from a series that I was really enjoying. Hopefully the conclusion to this series is good. If not I don't know what I'll do haha. I definitely will be doing a full review on this one and let you guys know more of my inner thoughts.
Flight School by Lita Judge

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I read this in about 5 minutes. It was definitely cute, but not that greatest story line. I guess the message is definitely about trying you hardest to reach your dreams even when they seem impossible. The artwork was definitely my favorite part.
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

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Yea so I finished this one pretty quickly like I just flew through it. Let me start off with the positives: I didn't really know who the murderer was haha all of my conclusions turned out to be completely wrong. I actually liked Charlotte as a character. She wasn't your typical girl next door. She was rude, snarky yet intelligent and thoughtful. Kind of polar opposites at play. She was all about business and I loved that about her. The story was fast paced and moved rather quickly. I actually was never bored.

Dislikes: Jamie. Okay so I started off liking him but then I don't know. He became too obsessed with his feelings about Charlotte. It seemed like that started to cloud his judgement. Maybe I just wish there wasn't a romantic element at all. Just straight YA mystery haha.

I love Sherlock Holmes so it's kind of hard to match up to my love for anything related to the original stories but overall I think the author did a decent job.

Full review to come.
Breaking News: Bear Alert by David Biedrzycki

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Really cute story and there is so much going on that you have to pay attention to the background to fully understand the story. I really love the animated look of the work and think that it would a great animated film.
EIEIO: How Old MacDonald Got His Farm by Judy Sierra

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This was an interesting tale about how old McDonald got his farm! I loved like absolutely loved the artwork. I just wish I could follow the rhythmic pattern because it was kind of difficult.