bookmeanderings's reviews
339 reviews

Thrawn by Timothy Zahn

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I loved this book and Thrawn might be my favorite character in the Star wars Universe. It could have had a slightly quicker pace, but I was never even close to bored. Beautifully written. I can't wait until the sequel comes out!
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

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Solid 3.5 stars. Solid characters, solid plot. Just didn't have that extra "something" to take it to the next level.
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch

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At first I rated this as a 3. In hindsight, I think I went into this book thinking it would be more of the same from Lies of Locke Lamora. However, I now realize that was a bad plan in itself because of the huge events at the end of the first book that affected the whole world (characters, setting, the main characters' attitudes toward life,, etc). Not that the book wasn't similar in some respects, but it was so different from what I expected and the tone was so different that it threw me off. After some reflection however, it was a really well written book with a great plot and great characters.