books_by_j's reviews
553 reviews

Lore Olympus: Volume Five by Rachel Smythe

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This 5th installment provided some resolve to Persephone  and hades situation. They grew a bit closer. But Persephone and hades weren’t really big players in the story. This volume provided a lot Of character information dumping for all the extra gods and goddesses. 

There is one large event from Persephone past that is revealed which I believe is setting up future volumes. This volume ends on a cliffhanger and it’ll be a long 6 months to find out what happens next!
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco

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This final installment of the wicked kingdom series was odd. The Emilia in the first couple chapters bears no resemblance to the Emilia in the middle of the book. And even the Emilia at the end of the book is a far cry from either the beginning or middle version. So yea, I’m still confused. 
The good part is, the magic system/rules of the demon world finally made some sense. 
Although it feels like how this series ended is NOT what the author originally had planned when the series started. 
I don’t know I have mixed feelings I guess. Like I get it now, but did I like it?

Also I’m still really bothered that this is marketed as YA…..   
Kingdom of the Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco

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That was definitely not YA, however, it was definitely compulsively readable. 

We follow Emilia as she navigates hell and the rules of the royal court. Similar to my feelings on the first book- it’s a lot of info, yet I still don’t understand much.  

I do like the wrath, and Emilia is growing on me- she no longer is an idle character that things just happen to. 

It was ok. I’ll have to finish up the last in the series and hope for some answers. 

Finally, this is definitely not YA
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

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The ending was wrapped up really well in this final book. Mal was of course whiney and insufferable in the beginning but I like where things ended for him. Don’t fully get it, but I don’t have to in order to like it. The prologue/after was really cute. I just wish Nikolai got a little bit better of deal. All the characters were really well fleshed out and I really enjoyed every single one. I really enjoyed this whole series!
If You Only Knew by Kristan Higgins

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This is my formal petition to make this a movie. It was so cute! The characters were incredibly realiatic. The banter between the characters was so fun. Adam is absolutely infuriating. 
Dealt with some pretty heavy topics at times. But sisterhood and womanhood themes prevailed throughout. 
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

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I enjoyed the first one a bit more. Although this installment gets more into the politics of the region, and introduces one of the best characters (a rumored bastard prince), Alina and mals relationship is infuriating!

Still entertaining, and a pretty good cliffhanger 👀
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

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Couldn’t put it down, compulsively readable. I liked the characters and love story and the world. Well paced, overall fun! I don’t love a cliffhanger ending, lots of questions still!
The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn

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I went into this pretty blind and ended up really enjoying it. This story follows 3 children through decades of their lives as they grow up, fall in love, and find their purpose with the backdrop of  world war 2 and the English countryside. They are all connected by a privileged, but kind of messed up childhood, where they were exposed to the arts on many different levels which led to them creating, directing and staring in plays. These plays served as a way for the 3 children to stay connected as they became adults- reminiscing on these plus fondly, especially during the war.

I really enjoyed the writing, and Cristabels story especially. It did take 100 pages or so to get into the plot. And Flossie’s story felt a bit out of place, i found myself skimming through her parts. The sections with Cristabel as an intelligence agent during the war was so engrossing and detailed. 
The Grand Hotel by Scott Kenemore

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Reads like a collection of short stories.

A hotel employee takes a group tourists on a tour around a hotel with seemingly rich history. At each stop they meet a hotel permanent guest who has a story to tell. Some of the stories are super suspenseful and creepy, others were very forgettable. All of them had a paranormal aspect that kind of went unanswered?

Tying all these stories together is a young girl and her conversations with the hotel employee at the end of each chapter. 

The ending was nicely wrapped up, however, the rest was just average.