books_by_j's reviews
553 reviews

The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah

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I really wanted to LOVE this book- the cover is gorgeous and a different take on Arabian nights sounded sooo good. But to be honest I spent 3/4 of the book confused. By the time things were xplained enough to understand what was happening, the book was over. 
I did like the perspectives of mazen and loulie. Aisha was annoying, but I understand why we needed her perspective. But I think a lot of why I was confused was becasue we needed qadirs perspective. 

Overall it needed up being ok, there was good adventure, side quests, and interesting side characters.
Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton

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I knew a fair amount on this topic before reading, so some of the info felt boring to read. The history of Cuba, especially during the 50s and 60s is heartbreakingly fascinating. I wished this was the first novel I read on this topic as it was way better at explaining the different view points of a variety of Cubans and their thoughts and feelings about the Bautista and Castro reining. 

Eliza’s timeline and story was very predictable. I enjoyed marisols chapters more. Her relationship with Luis felt way more real. And I like her exploration of her identity. 

The ending of Marisols story,  I did not see coming so that was very interesting. 

Overall a very solid historical fiction! 
The Fairest Kind of Love by Crystal Cestari

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BUT WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HER MAGIC?!?!? Yay that it got fixed, but no explanation? What the heck. And no explanation on how Charlie and Kim could have different matches? 
Also the ending was so so rushed. 

A little disappointed. 
Starling House by Alix E. Harrow

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My favorite thing about this book was the love story and relationships between all the characters. Sticking by your people and doing what’s best for them even when it’s literally the worst thing for you is a major theme. So is found family. And I really enjoyed the banter between the characters, I spent the 1st 100 pages thinking they all hated each other. But it’s a group of snarky sarcastic people that I really love. 

There some deep themes about truth and standing up for yourself. And the supernatural element was cool. It took quite a long time to get to any real action in the plot. So a slow build. I enjoyed the explanation of all the plot lines in the end and am VERY happy for the happy ending for all who deserved it. 
The Sweetest Kind of Fate by Crystal Cestari

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2nd installment to a really cute story. I love the mix of plot- regular high school boy/girl drama but then an added layer of kind of high stakes magic. 
I also love the cast of characters and their supernatural powers. We were left on a bit of a cliffhanger about ambers powers so I can’t wait for that explanation in book 3!
The Forever Summer by Jamie Brenner

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Very good beach read! Lots of family secrets, large cast of characters. All women POVs. The author was really good at giving both the ups and downs of all the the things the characters were going through. 

Didn’t love where a few of the characters ended up, I wanted some independence for a couple of them.
The Best Kind of Magic by Crystal Cestari

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Cute ya realiatic magic story. I like how the author entwined magical beings with everyday life. Made it feel like this could really be happening in every city. 

Amber is incredibly dramatic, and spirals over the dumbest things. But I guess that’s being a teen. I still found myself rooting for her and her friends though. 

Great listen for fall season! Starting the next book!
Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult, Jennifer Finney Boylan

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This was going to be 4 stars until the last 15 pages or so……

The good: a heartbreaking yet hopeful story in Lily. Loved exploring the gender topic with her and her family. 
He relationship with Asher was really mature. Although Asher and Olivia annoyed me, just as people.

The bad: saw the ending of the murder mystery coming. Which isn’t a huge deal to me. But that whole part felt rushed compared to very fleshed out ideas, conversations and thoughts throughout the rest of the novel. 
Also, fuck Mike. Go away. That made no sense.