I haven't read much worse than this… I’m so sorry if you love this but I’m happy for you because I too love some horrible books. We all need to love a few absolutely shit books. This could be yours.
This was spicy and easy to read. Obviously you didn’t pick this up for the actual plot or character development so I won’t harp on any of that. I just think there are a couple tropes here that aren’t for me but if age gap and ex boyfriends dad are your thing than let that freak flag fly and read this!
Too much talking about doing daily tasks and not enough plot movement for such a short book. I think though this is more sci-fi slice of life and I could see how others would love. I just wasn’t in the mood for that right now.
This was funny and cute. Some of the emotional parts with unsavory family members hit hard. I just think the slow burn and the plot draggedddd on too long. I will pick up the next book whenever it comes out!
For how hyped this book is I expected wayyyyy more. I had to pretty much skim the last 40 pages to just finish. The plot, writing and spice were all lack luster.
I think this is a me problem. I cannot relate with the main characters. They’re in their 50s they have kids and grandkids and that’s dope and I respect that but idk I can’t get into this story. I lovedddd the first book so much which can totally be read as a standalone so I recommend that but I think maybe I’m the wrong audience for book 2??
This was a fun ride. Usually I don’t love a duel timeline but this worked really well for us to get to know our Gentleman Bastards. The world building is really lush and descriptive sometimes overly so where it makes the main plot drag a bit. Overall an enjoyable read with a main character you gotta root for! Kudos to the author for not being afraid to kill a character… or few. If you like high jinx, little thieves and revenge this is for you. I can imagine this being a good jumping off point for a grander story in the following books.