Holy fuck! What did I just read? What did she told him? Is she in it still or not? I have so many questions! I need to process. I wonder how the next book is being written and if we come around to talk about this and what the fuck just happened.
Not me finally reading this after buying the paperback when it was released but also owning a copy of the special edition BUT YES I finally read it. I read this pratically in one sitting, it was that good. It's fated mates and star crossed lovers (to a degree) too but also paranormal and fantasy. I loved it!
Damien has been through the ringer and he is so nice and thoughtful. I just love the guy. Cassie is an interesting character. She was diagnosed with a disease and that has been not great for her which also means she wants to enjoy life but she can't. Until she meets Damien. There is just something about him that pulls her in and she feels safe, happy but sometimes sad too. 🤐 Some weird stuff happens too which left me with question after question which led to me to not stop reading until I have some answers because yes, this book didn't answer all my questions hence why I look forward to read To Ashes And Dust next. I love when I like a book so much and the next is already out ( i have it on my shelf already and yes, you guessed correctly. I also bought that one when it was released. ) so I don't have to wait to know what happens next. 🙃
I loved their romance and I can't wait for more. I also like the other guys too and I'm excited for them. Cole deserves a redemption arc and that's my stance. I hated him when he was where he wasn't supposed to however there's more to it than what we know (I'm like 99% sure of it) and I feel like he needs redemption and I hope Miss Luna gives him that. 😉
This is the final installment in the Vampire’s Mate Series and we finally have Colin who ,in previous books, was left hanging so to speak.
Colin seems very uninterested in life because he feels a void inside of him that he doesn’t know how to fill. Since he learned about vampires and saw them with their mates, he wondered how it was like to love someone for eternity and he wanted that for himself too. Colin just never thought he would not only have one but two vampires and guess what? They are twins! 😚
I loved how Dane & Fox were with each other. They had this deep bond between them that no one really seemed to understand but Colin was the exception. He not only understood but he also supported their bond.
I loved how supportive the twins were of Colin and how they managed to break Colin’s wall little by little until there was nothing left.
The twins were fun, sweet little puppies panting after their mate and I loved it.
Dane, Colin & Fox were adorable together and I honestly don’t have any complaints.
This was short and directly to the point without it being rushed. We got to know each individual well but we also got to see how well the 3 of them “worked” together.
I love Colin’s friendship with Jay. Colin softens more around Jay ( who wouldn’t 😊) and I love seeing Jay being a social butterfly and happy.
I loved seeing all previous characters. It’s always a fun time when they appear on page. 😌