a childhood favourite of mine. doesn’t quite pack the same satisfaction reading as an adult, but still an amazing book age rating — 8+
thoughts while rereading
p12: slay miss minton 👑 a whole trunk full of books 📚
p153: oh miss minton was the maid that helped bernard, that’s how finn knows her!
p167: i’m not sure i fully picked up on this before, but if the crows no longer care about getting finn then that means he probably could’ve just waited them out and carried on with his expedition after they left
p188: well done everyone, exemplary work. nice touch gifting finn back his dad’s watch
mostly just a fluff piece, but i guess it was nice to read the end of their story. was the borderline smut necessary though, this is still a YA age rating — 16+
thoughts while reading
p8: ok butHOW did kenji manage to destroy their clothes??
p112: real. they kinda are
p117: nazeera is a hardcore ella/aaron stan
p144: PAHAHA ofc kenji would insert himself as their neighbour
p171: no i’m genuinely wondering why he never has to pee
i love it 🫶🏻⏯️🎧 next time i read i’ll need to do it with the playlists! age rating — 13+
thoughts while reading
p16: real. you always gotta be at least slightly decently dressed ✨just in case✨ a cute boy shows up
p103: the honeymoon suite twice 😂
p115: ooft rodger whatcha doin’ man 😕
fair honestly
p121: amy needed that 🥺
p221: the heck 😨🪚
p223: why are we decapitating moose now 🫎
p241: lucien is such a gentleman 🥰
p260: ohhh that’s why we’re decapitating moose 🌳
p265: yasss roger you put her to rest finally
p282: oh God no wonder she couldn’t buy new glasses
"That's why I've told you, Muz, put some damn clothes on if you're going to do yoga. After all, you never know when my sister might decide to drop by."
p82: i just realised that james probably knows who his father is now ☹️
p89: i knew that’d have to be adam
p100: why are we drugging kenji again? what cause you don’t like his optimism? that’s just plain disrespectful. and kenji usually has the best plans anyway so how are you gonna rescue the kids without him anyway?
p107: hehe the one time he actually is drunk
p120: something really did happen to her brain. seems like she might be stuck in the past
p133: i love nazeera 🫶🏻
p140: man i love the supreme kids they are so badass
p143: now this is love. this is why aaron warner is a book boyfriend category of his own
p154: oh for goodness sake we just came from there!! 😠
p194: this is suspicious
p212: omg it’s adam!
p225: like the child he never had 🙄
p273: this man is not mentally stable in the slightest, he should be the one in an asylum
p280: unfortunately i’d be tempted to side with warner here
"This is super great. All of this information we're collecting is super helpful and useful." I count off on my fingers: "Amelia was a psycho, Castle wants to be BFFs with Anderson, and Warner has midnight fantasies about killing people.”
"If you keep touching me without my permission, I will remove your hands from your body."
p338: the troops have finally arrived
p390: i’m falling a little in love with aaron myself
"But she wasn't made to be this way, not like you. Not like Warner. She's not a born murderer."
bro is either in total denial or he never really knew her
p36: preach girl
p76: delalieu??
p80: aaron’s been infatuated for years 😏
p82: how. dare. you. as if you EVER have the right to treat her like that 😡
p84: what the hell is going on????
p91: that’s so fricking messed up dude
p110: damn aaron and ella really do belong together. this is one hell of a chemistry
p121: YES you’re damn right we are!!
p124: oh my God. did they form her in a damn test tube or something??
p128: NO i don’t actually care to know the heartache of a freaking PSYCHO
p140: so the question remains, by the time juliette gets out the asylum, does aaron still remember he can touch her
p148: look i know this isn’t funny but i’m actually wheezing rn 😂 have they literally shoved aaron in juliette’s cell?? given him a taste of her medicine?? 😂
p155: warner might not be, but kenji is
p160: wait before delalieu died he was talking about how his free hours had been spent watching his daughter die so why did warner have absolutely no clue he was doing that?
p175: nazeera SLAY i knew she had to be double bluffing
p188: OH F—
p200: whatttttt
p205: for flip sake i bet he got sonya and sara to do something—NO omg! both aaron, adam, and james all have powers and they all share a father…anderson must have fricking powers too!!! something that stops him dying
p217: i am infinitely proud of aaron
p223: if this is a trap i might never recover
p230: emmaline is a badass
p237: the symmetry between aaron and ella rn is not going unnoticed
p239: oh ffs
"Don't you dare start crying. If you start crying I'll start crying and we do not have time to cry right now. We have too much shit to do, okay? We can cry later, at a more convenient time. I have so much shit to cry about. So much. We should make, like, a list."
p278: 😊😊😊
p287: kahahaha
p290: kenji and aaron’s friendship makes cackle
p306: i agree with kenji Tangled is definitely a masterpiece
p347: 😍😍😍
"I will love you for the rest of my life. My heart is yours. Please don't ever give it back to me."
"Do you never get exhausted being so wholly unbearable? You have as much charisma as the rotting innards of unidentified roadkill."
kenji would be the one to find that funny
p151: AH it’s just clicked with me that aaron is basically a wielder
p158: yeah this is literally what i’ve been saying this entire time. ofc she thought she loved adam, he was the only damn option
p161: kenji 😂 i love him more every minute
p169: all the adam hate? i’m getting it now, justified. obv he’s brokenhearted but there’s no excuse for that level of intensity. i’m slightly over it though since this just means she’ll run back to warner and i’m swiftly getting onboard with that ship
p194: that’s it i’m fully #juliette/warner
p199: this is incredibly healing for someone who’s brother is so scarred
p209: aaron’s cracking me up
p221: girl wants to take over the whole damn country??
p308: right i’m done making excuses for adam, he can f off. i was just rewarming to him as a human as well!
p313: i’ve never been so proud of her 🥹
p360: oh yeah i slightly forgot about adam’s extra traumatic childhood