just as good as the first one in a completely different way! age rating — 14+
thoughts while reading
p5: yeah no kidding
p15: i wondered that! i knew there was no rosemary in We Were Liars
p21: this family physically hurts me with all their emotional masking
p22: please don’t get addicted
p23: there is literally no pleasing harris
p25: yuhuh what did i say. 16 is way too young to have no one watching you
p50: it’s probably meant to be because of the codeine that she sees rose
p55: carrie and cadence are kindred spirits, and not completely in a good way
p67: pfeff is totally the one she crushes on
p79: two single guys, three and a half single girls. i can almost taste the potential drama
p92: $100 BOOK VOUCHER?? heck yes!!
p151: don’t tell me she’s hallucinating the boys too
p163: isn’t this the story about locke from The Cruel Prince?
p169: i knew something like this would happen
p175: erm not quite the twist i was expecting
p179: gosh bess is brave, i’d be too terrified to talk to my sibling like that if they had carrie’s issues in case they spiralled and offed themselves. maybe it’s because she’s the youngest so she doesn’t quite understand the seriousness of this situation beyond her own feelings. i’m not saying bess is wrong to say something, i just couldn’t do it
p196: pfeff was never gonna give you what you need, not when he either has a very low opinion of himself or just doesn’t care
i really enjoyed this! the love triangle was very well written, there was no clear winner to root for until right near the end. i think it was my first time reading a book with a desi background (i buy my books secondhand and scotland does not have much diversity in reading), so i am delighted that simonteen offered this as a free read! i do know a few desi families, and this book reminded me of them
thoughts while reading
18%: yes i was just thinking that. you are definitely behaving pretty ditzy
19%: you’re absolutely right, on the cover page i can see that harun totally looks like he’s from CW
"I can't do this," I grouse to the Zahra in the mirror, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding.
It would be sweet if I didn't suspect he has a potentially fatal case of gingivitis.
43%: nayim is so in love with zahra
44%: NOOO the auntie network is so onto them!!
47%: urmm…no
It is a truth universally acknowledged among Bangladeshis that a guest on one's doorstep must be in want of at least two helpings of curry.
sounds about right by indian standards
49%: 😂 why does every kid like cocomelon
58%: resna is so cool for that, i love when little kids are protective
59%: NO too far zahra!!
63%: bro wrote a song for her 🥹
65%: dammit
"For someone so smart, you can be awfully dense sometimes, Khan."
not the cliche dude confession
88%: imagine if nayim is actually nasrin shah’s kid. he won’t be, but that would be a twist
p59: the town is called independence…oh the irony 🙄
p66: no i think he’s telling you to stop staring at them, cause it’s NOT a show. he’s sympathetic (so relative obviously, cause he presumably choose this job)
Praying is important. But you can't simply pray for what you want. You have to act.
"Honestly, I think some racists think Islam is a race or ethnicity and not a religion. Like we're all brown and from Muslimistan."
p115: i wonder if corporal reynolds will turn out to be a white muslim, or just a decent person. does he know david somehow, cause how does he already know layla’s name
p134: i think reynolds is in this position simply to try be a light in the darkness
‘In the quiet of night, the heart knows the lies you told to survive.’ … "You can never escape your lies, even if you think you have. Even if it was to survive. The lies—your deception—are always with you."
p159: I KNEW IT
p181: did not quite expect david to join the force
p182: oh never mind, it’s just a camouflage ploy
p209: look i know layla and jake are just unlikely friends, but i still slightly ship them. doesn’t help that for some reason i’m just not all that attached to david, and i’m very invested in jake. must be the enemies to lovers girl in me
p320: just like hunger games, keep those who can benefit you in luxury
p350: khadijah auntie is an absolute slay, and saleem is utterly atrocious. the people are rising up behind layla to claim back their freedom
"It's always 'Shut up, Kenji.' 'Go to sleep, Kenji.’ ‘No one wants to see you naked, Kenji.’ When I know for a fact that there are thousands of people who would love to see me naked.”
"Thanks for the offer," I tell him. "But I'd really rather jump off a cliff."
p246: anderson is adam’s father????
p262: the immunity touch thing being shared makes a ton more sense now. damn juliette having a thing for both anderson brothers is funny
p263: HAHAHA 💀
p267: i believe that word is shit
p272: i can’t decide whether it’s psychotic or slightly hot that he’s memorised parts of her notebook
p290: just warner casually gate crashing adam’s confession
p305: the next book title has a deeper meaning now
p361: theory: warner’s a conduit
p453: all he has to do is be a conduit for the girls’ power!!
p10: it’s taken me a whole 10 pages to realise she’s writing all this down
p17: well it was either gonna be adam or kenji
p36: omg it’s uno reverse tower of babel
p45: this’ll be warner
p46: oh shit
p85: oh me the arguing is getting kinda funny considering these two are apparently endgame. i mean i know why, cause everyone loves a good enemies to lovers, but i’m also loving trying to work out why
p93: so we hate adam why?
p108: warner touching her might well be because he’s attracted to her but it’s definitely a power play too. he knows she’s starved for attention and will unconsciously cling to any intimacy
p116: adam better not start power playing too. i should probably just ignore my preconceived notions based off spoilers otherwise they may spoil the experience
p120: 19? bloody hell warner must’ve had a tortured childhood to be this calculating already
p147: KENJI
p165: damn girl, you are powerful
p176: adam is so brave
p184: WARNER CAN TOUCH HER TOO??? how?? what is the science behind this?
damn i didn’t realise i would love this book nearly as much as i did!! it felt magical ✨
love the plot and the foreshadowing to the twist! age rating — 12+
thoughts while reading
p31: a constellation of four freckles 😂 girl needs more
p48: intriguing
p92: wait who’s gonna turn the carousel off???
p256: after much debate over the last 150 pages, i’ve decided that all foreshadowing points to them being in a coma together. leo just flashed back into the real world for a second and that’s why he glitched
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
i picked this up cause it was a simonteen free read, and i love jenny han’s other books. i’m definitely not within the targeted age for this anymore, but i thought it was fairly good. (tatb and tsitp were a lot better though) age rating — 13+
thoughts while reading
‼️tiny spoilers‼️ 11%: nadia must have been the one hooking up with alex if lillia is upset with her
17%: oh no, there’s much more going on with lillia than simply alex
27%: omg i knew it
54%: alex either used to like lillia or he’s an idiot who thinks hooking up with her sister of all people and her ex-bestie will make her jealous enough to pursue him 🙄