Duuuuude I absolutely adore this book!! 😫❤️ Shea Ernshaw's writing is completely breathtaking. I had to stop multiple times and was like—THAT LINE. I'm serious, it's so damn beautiful. And normally, I don't really enjoy slow-pace books, but I don't mind this one because I get to savour the proses and I think she did a magnificent job setting the scene and the whole vibe of it was just spooky and witchy. It's just awesome. It totally sucks you in. I'll probably be scared to ever enter the woods ever again, but it's worth it. I've never been one for camping anyway. I also felt very nervous while reading cause it always sounds like it's gonna have a tragic ending, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it ended. Well, that was an understatement. I really really appreciated the ending. I don't really know what else to say, except that this book is definitely one of the best books I have ever read, at least for this year.
Okay, I thought this book was significantly better than the first one. Cardan got more "screen time" and I like him much much better. Although I wish I could read things from his pov, but never mind. I also liked Jude and her ruthlessness, however there were times I felt that she was kinda stupid and should've seen it coming, but hey, no one's perfect, right? I was hoping to see the characters get more vulnerable but maybe in the last book?
As I am an impatient person, I have to complain about the pacing of the book, or at least the first half. I understand that slow pace can be ideal for character development or scene setting or world-building, and I appreciate that but I honestly don't care what Nicasia is wearing right now 😫😫 Thankfully, though, things got a lot more interesting in the second half and I loved reading that part so much.
As for the characters, at least now I got two favourable characters instead of one, and I guess The Bomb and The Roach are cool. Okay fine, they're super cool. They better have their happy ending or else I'm coming for you Holly. I can't believe Taryn is that twisted. I mean, aren't twins supposed to be like, bonded forever and therefore they love each other an insane amount that no one else can comprehend? Out of all the characters, I didn't expect to hate Taryn most of all. And she's freakin stupid? Like why the hell would you marry the F-boy that is Locke?? He's awful and just WHY IS HE STILL BREATHING?? But I did enjoy how Jude threatened him.
Maybe you thought I was too busy to take my revenge? Well, Locke, I want you to understand that for you, I will make time."
Dayummmm girllll.
I loved the banter in this book, there were a lot of time I went like dayummmm. You know? Hmm plotwise, I thought it was cool. There were some that were like just very messed up like I had to just put it aside and "did I just read that?" and had to sort of process stuff. But I get it, faeries are awful and they're twisted and they're crazy. I just hope Holly got this info from folklore and she didn't think of it herself cause I'd be pretty worried about her.
I have very high hopes for the last book, and you better give me romance cause IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A FANTASY ROMANCE. Okay, yeah, that's probably it.
Okay, how would I roughly describe this book? Well, remember how Cardan was like, I hate you but I can't stop thinking about you? That is exactly how I feel about this book. Like this book made me so mad and confused that logically, I'm supposed to hate it, but and I do, I just can't seem to take it off my mind.
In terms of pacing, I felt like the first half of this book was incredibly slow. I understand that slow-pace in the first books in trilogies is not uncommon, and it helps to set the scene and all, but bro it took like forever for something to happen. And sometimes things escalate so quickly I can't wrap my head around it. Like what the hell is happening??? I also think the romance between Jude and Cardan was just very minimal. Forget slow burn, this is occasional, once-in-a-while-I'll-throw-it-in burn, like just????????? IT'S A FANTASY ROMANCE. It just wasn't enough for me to ship them. Plus, I'm not too fond of he-bullied-you-because-he-liked-you and the fell-in-love-with-my-bully kind of trope. And being abused does NOT justify why Cardan was such a jerk, and yeah, he didn't want to kill Jude, but you COULD HAVE STOPPED IT? AND YOU DIDN'T?
But, I guess the world-building was amazing, and the twists are unexpected enough for me to enjoy them. Although, some of them I guessed right on from the foreshadowing. I felt like the romance part was not that well written, but I guess things will get better in the rest of the trilogy. I also liked Jude's character. In my view, she's the first female lead in a while that has that much strength and power-hunger and hurt that genuinely sets her apart from other female leads. She has a lot to work on, though. But like I said, we'll probably see that in the other two books. As for now though, I don't feel any attachment to the characters, like, at all. I liked Jude, but that's that. I don't feel sorry or worried or find myself rooting for her, but again, let's just wait, you know.
It's been a while since I got so riled up over a book, I was ranting to myself for most of the scenes, and I really enjoyed it. So, I guess it wasn't that bad of a book. I have to hand it to the author that she didn't shy away from the brutalness of the "folklore" like damn, it gets pretty gruesome in here. Also, can I just say that the F-boy that is Locke (ugh) and I'm sorry for this, but he deserves to die, like can someone please kill him already? Okay, maybe that's mean, but are we convinced that even with years of intensive therapy, he will become a decent person? Doubtfully, but, sure, maybe.
I originally gave this 3.5 stars but after some thought I realised I actually hated it just enough to give it a 2.5
I actually thought this was gonna be a quick and fun read but I loved it so much. As a Malaysian, I can't tell you how glad I am to be reading something that I actually understand the references made in the book. The vibe was all very home-y and nostalgic. And I didn't expect to fall in love with the characters—they're so wonderfully developed I think and they're all awesome. The plot was amazing and I didn't expect such a twist from a children's book. Then again, it wasn't that shocking but at the time I was like no way what?? Malaysian ghost stories always seem to scare me more than foreign ones, like just hearing about it gives me the creeps, but I love how Hanna Alkaf sort of gave these "monsters" a heart and make them seem less threatening. That's what I feel is the essence of this book—like a combination of all the ghost stories I grew up with, and add to that more heart and love and like human-ness. Loved it!
Lol okay, that was fast. I guess I would've liked it more if I was younger but I can't help but feel like the plot was a little basic? But like I said, it's made for children, so it served its purpose. Very very fast paced. I read it in one sitting.
I loved reading this so much. This book was spooky and mysterious and I could NOT put it down. The way the author writes scenes and settings makes you feel immersed in the world—like you're actually there. And I love the way she writes feelings, it makes me feel them too. Plotwise, it was amazing. There was a lot of foreshadowing in the book but the author did an excellent job in just letting you know just enough to keep you guessing. It felt like the book sucked me in the waters. Objectively speaking, the ending was good—nice and clean. And the epilogue was also good. But I can't help but feel a tad angry about it but I understand that if things ended the way I wanted it to, it would be very wrong. But bro it was hella sad, right? I mean, Bo is only loving a ghost where Hazel was. That's a little wrong, right? And looking back, I can't recall the reasons why I think the romance was good, but while reading it I enjoyed it.But that's pretty much all I have to complain about. I guess some themes that were discussed in here is sexism (witches,duh) how people hate what they don't understand, and how humans are messy and what it means to be one, actually.
I was sceptical at first cause I saw someone recommend it but it isn't that popular, but it kinda should be? It's honestly amazing. The characters are so diverse and the books handles racism so well in my opinion. It was pretty sad too and I was getting kinda frustrated cause I felt like everything bad was happening. But that's just me. The romance part took up more space than what I expected, but it wasn't overwhelming. It's cute and I love the relationships between Marcus and Monica and Wing and Aaron. I liked how the author wrote about the ugly side to being a golden boy? And how teenagers actually are and the bad that can come from one very reckless decision even if you've been kind your whole life. And life can never really be the same and it's terrifying but you'll get through it.
I don't what to say, it's completely amazing. And if you read the other grishaverse books and loved it then this book will certainly not disappoint. I thought it was a little bit slow in the first half BUT THE SECOND HALF YALLSSS. I LOVED the cameo most of all I think. And the ending? PERFECT. CHEF'S KISS. And as usual, Leigh Bardugo discusses themes like racism and monarchy and sexism and a million others so beautifully. And her writing and plot is just woww. I will need 15 business days to get over this book.