entirelybonkerz's reviews
313 reviews

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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I am so happy this was my first 2021 read. I read this so slowly, because I needed to savor every single word before it ended. I wanted to be there, I didn't want to miss a single second.
The shadow and bone trilogy bored me to death, the characters almost killed me with how much they annoyed me. Tell me, how is it possible that Leigh was able to create this masterpiece after making me hate her first series with an unfair amount of strength?
The characters... The characters in this book are so dense, intense, multilayered, deep, amazingly crafted, I think I could make a list of 300 different adjectives and it wouldn't be enough. They are all real people to me and I will fight you if you say otherwise. They exist and I love every single one of them with all my heart (except you Mathias, the only thing I love about Mathias is how much he loves Nina, I mean, who doesn't?)
I really hope Netflix doesn't fuck this up. I will cry real tears, I will sob. I will pull my hair out of my skull because they cannot destroy this magnificent book.
This has been added to my favorites and I will read Crooked Kingdom as attentively as possible because I don't think I want to live in a world where Kaz doesn't exist. Thank you very much.
I sense the worst book hangover of the century coming. Ugh, it hurts.
Just do yourself a favor and read this right now. And no, this book does not have ANY romance at all and it still managed to be the most romantic book I have ever read in my life. You can look back at all of the quotes I shared on my profile, they will prove to you I am right.
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

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Most of the time I usually run out of words to write reviews for books I really hated. This time I don't think I will have the right words to explain what this duology has done to me. I didn't think I could love something this much and here we are.
This is the reward for the time I spent listening to Alina being selfish and Mal being toxic for 3 entire books. These books made the whole Shadow and Bone trilogy worthy of existing, just because they led to this masterpiece. This is by far my new favorite duology of all times and my favorite read of 2021. Without a question. Without even considering everything I am still going to read this year.
Leigh made NO MISTAKES. ZERO. NONE. AT ALL. This woman delivered. I have read 25 books in the last 3 months and this is the first time I have cried. The first time I have ever felt my palms sweating while reading certain passages, certain missions. It's the middle of winter and I couldn't even control my own body temperature while reading this. Kaz wanted to bottle Inej's laughter so he could get drunk on it... I wish I could bottle this entire universe, get drunk on these characters and never have to leave this unbelievable world and all the feelings I have felt while reading this.
One of the most beautiful love stories I have ever read. Not just romantic love, these books are about anything that resembles love, pain, loss and acceptance.
I have so many passages and quotes saved from these books it almost amounts to the entire thing. Unfortunately when you experience something this strong the aftertaste is always bitter. I feel empty inside. I have the worst book hangover of all times and I don't think anything will top this. I really really hope Netflix will do this world justice. I will shed the same tears all over again. I hope it brings me the same breathtaking experience, I hope it cures my heartache and fills the emptiness these characters have left behind. Watching the TV show will be like hugging a long distance friend after being away from them for what it seems to feel like 20 years.
My heart has sunk. I feel like I have ben shot and stabbed multiple times. I can still hear the sound Kaz's leather gloves made when they rubbed against his cane. I can still feel Inej's silent presence lingering in the shadows, her saints watching over me. I can hear Nina's laugh and I can see her wavy hair bouncing right in front of me. Jesper's guns are still reflecting the sun light. Matthias wolves howl in the distance to this day. Wylan's red curls are as vivid as the brightest orchid. But don't pity me for too long.
No mourners, no funerals.
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas

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I could never ever put into words how incredible this was. I am not even going to try. 800 pages of sheer talent. The best book Sarah J Mass has ever written. No wonder this woman is rich and popular. She deserves all the love. I feel like I have been hit by a truck. So many emotions. So many. All at once. I’ll reread this for ages.
Fever Moon by Karen Marie Moning

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I don’t regret buying this book! It was a little expensive but since this is such an old series you don’t get to see many fan arts around. This was like getting a ton of fan art all at once and I’m here for it! It was incredible! After finishing the first five books getting to see a fan art of Dani, Barrons and Mac and specially to see what the monsters looked like was a real treat. I love animations and graphic novels and this artist did such a great job. It looks so classic. I loved it!!
The story is very short but amusing if you have read the whole series and if you already know everything behind it (there are tons of spoilers so don’t pick this up before you finish the first five books) It is like a very cool Easter egg that was published for the hard core fever fans. I would love to get my hands on a physical copy even though they are a little rare to find!
Also getting to read Karen’s insights on how she came up with the whole series and her own thoughts about her characters made this Graphic Novel even more special (there is a little interview with her at the end). I am excited I basically got to see all of this fan art of the world I spent so much time loving and imagining it and living in.
Dark Lover by J.R. Ward

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This was... interesting.

Fast-paced enough that I read it in less than two days. Some sweet characters and a lot of romance for sure. I think the romance might have been a little bit too cheesy for me but I do enjoy the friendship dynamic between the brothers. Ward is definitely a great writer so I do think I will give two more books from this series a chance since they are highly rated.

Everything happened way too fast and there wasn’t any sexual tension in between the characters which was a bummer because it is something I personally enjoy. If you like love at first sight type of connections then you might enjoy this one. Her romantic scenes were very well written and it didn’t feel like I was reading a bunch of “copy and paste” sex scenes like most writers end up doing. However, it lacked proper world building, it also lacked a slower pace for the relationships to actually develop organically. The writing itself was pretty great and I did not have a big issue with it. I think my biggest issue was “why should I care?”. Ward didn’t create enough of a background for me to connect deeply with the characters and she didn’t even give them enough time to grow into their environment. So I might read two more books from this series out of curiosity by the end of this month or when I don’t have anything else in mind that I want to read.
Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Jen’s typical formula. A little bit copy and paste of the things she has already written within a different setting... But Tink made this so enjoyable.

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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This book is exactly what twilight should have been, or could have been if it was written properly with enough sass, action, sensuality and sexual tension. If you remove all the “love at first sight” crap, and the cheesy obsession (from twilight) you are left in this book with a great mysterious, action packed and tension filled tale. No vampires, werewolves, witches nor zombies but aliens.

Oblivion by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I have not yet read the other books but book 1 is definitely going to be my favorite forever. This was such a great start to this series and being able to read the whole thing again from Daemon’s point of view was even better. I read it in a day and I had literally finished the one from Kat’s perspective less than 2h before and this still felt like a fresh experience.

It was so exciting, it did not necessarily feel like rereading the same book and there were so many hidden Easter eggs and extra scenes and some amazing answers and secrets I was hoping to find. I am so excited to jump into this series and read all of them this month. I just found out Jennifer wrote AN ENTIRE Daemon point of view for EVERY single book and my heart is screaming with happiness.
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Like Katy herself would say: “this is a forget-your-homework, don’t-feed-your-kids, and quit-your-job one-sit read.”

This series has surprised me so much. I did not expect half of the turns this took. I have been reading Jennifer’s books for a while now and I knew she had a talent for action but the thriller aspect of this series is keeping me on my feet and I have been loving every second of it.

This is a little less mature than her usual adult books but it’s still packed with the same ingredients that make her stories so satisfying to read. Funny, tense, sensual, nerve-wrecking. I can’t wait to read the rest.