entirelybonkerz's reviews
313 reviews

When You Wish Upon a Duke by Charis Michaels

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Ugh, I wanted to love this so very much. The first one was the best historical I have read all year. I really do love the way Charis writes but this one was extremely info dumpy.

It started really well, and the plans for this were amazing, the whole peter pan vibes were awesome. The execution did not deliver. I laughed so much during the first one and I was expecting a lot more humor in this, there wasn't any. I still consider the first book of this series to be incredible and I will read the third one when it comes out because I do have hopes that Charis will pick up on her humor and sensuality a lot more, just like in the first one.

This was also absurdly serious, heavy and the characters did have a spark in the beginning, but then after a while, every single dialogue they shared were very long and about their pasts and that broke the spell a little. I am bummed, I wanted to love this.

I think this wasn't for me! Personally. However I think the right person could still appreciate this a lot. It is romantic, surprising and she plays really well with the peter pan details she decided to insert in the story (it is not a retelling) but it gets pretty close. Tinkerbell getting her happy ending in a world where Peter Pan is really just an ass and she finds someone else, it's what all of us always wanted to see. I really do think it just could have been executed better. The first one was also way more sensual, sassy, more feminist. Just go back and try to find my review for the first book in this series, because it was a masterpiece.


Dipped in Holly by Dana Isaly

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Merry Christmas?

Not even Santa Claus escapes unscathed from y’all.

The closest we get to Easter the more concerned and excited I become, lmao.

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren

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TW: Rape, miscommunication tropes, very indecisive heroine.

This book was perfect, until the very end, until it was not.

I am one of the few people who is actually a sucker for Friends-to-lovers, yes, it's one of my favorite tropes. I don't care what you say. After I read People We Meet on Vacation, I decided I wanted to read books with that same tone for the rest of my life.

This one got so close to achieving that. The writing was delicate, intense, the development of their friendship from childhood was stunning. However, nothing was more beautiful in this book than the dialogues they exchanged. Every single word between them when they were reading together, learning together, exploring their teenage findings together inside of a closet was made up of sheer perfection.

This book made me feel so many things, things I can't even explain. At first, I thought: "Mom died of cancer, MC works at a pediatrics ICU isle" *eyeroll* wow, these gals are really pushing the sad narrative aren't they? But Elliot took over the book. Elliot carried this book on his back like a 6000lb Elephant. Elliot was smart, mature, sexy, funny, romantic. Elliot was everything. Until he wasn't. I loved the past/present shifts in this book as well, everything was placed so perfectly.

However the miscommunication at the end got a rise out of me. I wish things could have ended differently, could have been handled differently, there were a few things I felt like were left unexplained. I can't deny that this wasn't a five star book for me, personally, I can totally see why it is to so many people. Even with all of these little things that sort of threw me off with the ending of the book and that left a sour taste in my mouth, I still think this is a book worth reading.

Beautiful, captivating and it will make you feel everything. You just have to make sure you want to feel everything before you jump in.

Answering all the questions I got, yes, this is a HEA and no, I did not cry, but you might. Also, there were a couple of sex scenes in this that were amazing.

The teenage tension in this, wow. It brought back so many memories of being 13 and absolutely in love with your best friend. Memorizing his scent, wanting to touch him so badly or you felt like you were going to die. Ugh. I can't deny that this book succeeded in every initial intention it seemed to have. Really good and it will stick with me for a while.

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

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this review contains spoilers

Holy shit, I can't believe I finished this. I am done. I have read every SJM book out there.
I love Sarah. I will never pick up one of her books and not finish it. I love her writing, her world building, her character development... I loved these characters. What she has done with this series requires real writing talent. She will always be one of my favorites. The size of this world, the amount of detail, foreshadowing, the way these characters had minds of their own. I am somewhat satisfied with how this series ended and I do not regret all the time I invested into this.


What the FUCK was this book.

800 PAGES IN and this sh*t still felt like a prologue. The most drawn out book in the history of books. This could have been 400 pages long and it would have been fine. The amount of things that could have been cropped out... I have no energy to actually describe how annoyed and disappointed I am with this book so I will just list the major things that made me give this such a low rating.


The unnecessary TORTURE against Aelin that did NOTHING for the plot, story and character development. It felt like free violence being thrown in there just for the sake of it. *eyes roll to the back of my head*

- Sarah and her need to destroy characters I love. What the actual fuck did she do to Aedion. Threw his character development and personality out of the window and decided to turn him into a dumbass just cause.

- Every single chapter of this book felt exactly the same. So many useless battles, just so she could insert the couples finally realizing they had feelings for each other because one of them almost died. Felt like lazy writing.

- The extremely low-stakes scenarios of this entire plot. This was a book about a war and the first person to die, died 880 pages in. Aelin as usual (the worst character in this series, I am sorry but Throne of Glass is not about Aelin. Throne of Glass is DORIAN'S story. The only story actually worth telling and you can't change my mind)

- THE CONSTANT ASS-KISSING it's been 7 whole books of everyone licking Aelin's boots when she has done nothing truly remarkable. Do you want someone worthy of boot-licking? How about Manon. The TRUE Main Female character of this series. The only one who ACTUALLY SACRIFICED something to bring her people together. The only one who actually faced any real loss even though SHE DID NOT DESERVE IT. (screams in 12 witches)

- How about Yrene, the pregnant woman who almost died and ACTUALLY saved everyone? Chaol, who was actually willing to sacrifice his wife and child for the sake of humanity, unlike Rowan who threw a little fit because Aelin was supposed to walk through a little door and he didn't want to be away from her for 10 minutes. *screeches in bird*

- The fact that Manon and Dorian were the only couple I actually cared about, the couple who actually felt real (after Yrene and Chaol), and they got that ridiculous "we'll see what we do later" ending. They actually had something, real understanding, feelings, passion, without any of that mate bullshit. Just real kindred spirits, DESTINED for each other.

The most shocking and impactful thing about this entire series was Dorian, Manon and Chaol's character development.

The only moments I actually had tears in my eyes were when these characters were doing something. Dorian actually turned into a King worth following. Learning his father's name was a huge blow. His relationship with Manon was so intense and way more real than Aelin and Rowan's ever felt. Manon actually brought her people back home and losing her coven was way too high of a price to pay, it hurt me so much, she did not deserve this. Chaol finally receiving the happiness he deserved, another character who ACTUALLY sacrificed things to get to where he was.

I also cried when Chaol and Dorian finally hugged each other again, after all that time, still keeping their promises to each other.

To sum up, Throne of Glass is the story about a prince and his best friend, captain of the guard. Who had to face the harsh realities of the world and find love and support in each other and within themselves. Two incredible characters who had to sacrifice a lot to finally be able to forgive themselves and turn into the men they were supposed to be, so they could finally be worthy of Queens.

This is the story of a Witch, who was robbed of her family, raised to hate and destroy and found the truth and strength within herself to change the future of her people. A king and a queen, destined to meet. Destined to become who they were supposed to be and find each other, through sorrow, pain, through facing authority figures and shattering the toxic family cycle they've been stuck in for so long.

The story of a guard, who lost the movement of his legs and had to face the darkest part of himself and found absolution through a healer who saw him for more than he was. A healer who saw the real him, behind all the ugliness, pain, shame and fear.

Aelin? Who's Aelin? I don't know her.

Priest by Sierra Simone

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Love Unexpected by Q.B. Tyler

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Look, this was just a good fucking time. What can I say?
If you have even a drop of my daddy issues, just get ready to read this book one handed

Gothikana by RuNyx

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⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Skin of the Night by C.K. Bennett

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Them booktok bitches are getting paid to promote stuff like this I swear to god. I would roast it but my momma said I’m not allowed to burn trash
House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

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If they don’t smash and don’t end up together imma burn this entire world down. Also, the cover is magnificent


House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

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I am shaking, I am actually shaking. I can't type so you won't get a review. I cried, my eyes watered. This entire thing was too much.

Also, Ruhn should have a wheelchair for carrying most of this book on his back and for being one of the best new characters Sarah has ever created. Best character development and best romance in the entire book.

Also I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight

Ok, now that I calmed down a bit, here are my SPOILER FREE brutally honest and final thoughts.

I love Sarah's writing, that's a given, but this book could have been at least 300 pages shorter.

Sarah repeats the same recipe way too much. Do I still love that recipe and am I going to continue to read her books until I die? Yes.

But no, this was actually one of her weakest books overall. First half was a little boring and repetitive but she always makes up by making me care way too much for other characters, like Ruhn or by ending it with a mindblowing cliffhanger, like this one.

Sarah's smart, she knows what this means to us. Will the ending get you to stare at a wall for 2h? Yes. This book would have been a four start for me but it turned into five because she literally did this on purpose.

I immediately guessed and knew what was up.

So yeah, overall satisfied but I feel emotionally manipulated into giving this five stars.

Now we have to wait almost two years for the next one and honestly? I am ok with it. Sarah drains me emotionally and physically, she makes me care way too much. My entire body reacted in ways I can't even explain, that's the shit she does.

Also full disclosure? 200% more sex than crescent city? yes. Still 300% less sex than she put in A Court of Silver Flames. There are some very cute and naughty and fun scenes, but compared to Nessian? They're nothing.

I honestly feel relieved, I can finally move on and I am ok with waiting for the next one. Sarah drains me because she makes me care way too fucking much, loved it tho. Feels nice to be played emotionally