ikandree's reviews
283 reviews

Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

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emotional inspiring relaxing sad medium-paced


4.5⭐️  This was a surprisingly wonderful book.  It is not in my normal genre but the story flowed so nicely, the character development was superb.  It was a very long book (500+ pages) but I did not feel that it could have been shortened in the least.  And I can honestly say that there was no point where I felt it dragged a bit.  I will not be reading the rest of the series bc I felt that this ended just perfect.
ARMAGEDDON (Book #11) by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins by Tim LaHaye

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adventurous emotional hopeful inspiring tense medium-paced


I felt like this was just written to usher in the final book.  Not much plot.
The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

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dark mysterious fast-paced


This was great and hooks you from the first chapter.  It kept me guessing until the last chapter! 
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

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adventurous emotional mysterious fast-paced


Surprisingly wonderful.  This gave off "MaddAddam" by Margaret Atwood vibes, with a touch of Sherlock Homes.  It does take a few chapters to understand this world and, most importantly, who the narrator is.  An overall fresh and interesting read.
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

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adventurous dark tense medium-paced
  • Strong character development? Yes


This book was surprisingly quite good.  The characters were well developed and the descriptions of surroundings were well thought out without being wordy.  The plot moved along nicely, however there was a part near the beginning, which pretty much started the true plot moving, that was a bit confusing.  Other than that, I felt that the author stuck the landing which is often difficult to do.