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jecamp86's reviews
650 reviews
The Gods of Guilt by Michael Connelly
This ended up being an excellent stories with so,e big stakes and danger. Mickey is a changed man and not for the better. The story has plenty of twists and turns and the ending is quite shocking
The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn
I enjoyed this book quite a bit. It felt like a young Han Solo adventure until the last twist. I do think the pacing was a bit slow and I wish it had more than one POV but the twists were good and I’ll keep reading the series.
The Burning Room by Michael Connelly
This was pretty good with maybe a slightly unsatisfying ending to the mystery but leading to an interesting lead into the next book
The Black Box by Michael Connelly
I’m running out words of praise for Connelly’s work. It’s just excellent. Compelling characters and mysteries that leave you guessing into another satisfying conclusion
Shadow of Doubt by Brad Thor
Nothing new to see here. They call these books “thrillers” but if you read this series and compare to others in the genre you’ll notice the main protagonist is never in any serious danger. Sure he’s in fire fights and fistfights but he’s never harmed, never takes a bullet, gets knocked out. Nothing. So what’s the point? Couldn’t you put a little effort and age him? These stories are more thrilling and exciting when the main characters have flaws when they do get hurt when there’s actual danger…but that won’t happen with this series. Wash rinse repeat…
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: The High Country by John Jackson Miller
I want to preface this review by saying firstly I really like JJM as an author and he’s done some terrific work. This book references an episode of Enterprise which was easily one of my least favorites and is a trope of Trek that I’m beyond tired of (dumping a humanity of the future into our past) so it was a fair bet I wasn’t going to like this book and sure enough I didn’t. I thought it was really boring and dragged on WAY too long. It didn’t get going till about 3/4 of the way through and I’m almost DNF’d it. I didn’t feel like the characters were fleshed out well and it seemed like characters moved around this world with no explanation and unfortunately it was a very frustrating experience.
Alien: The Official Movie Novelization by Alan Dean Foster
This book was a bit of a mixed experience. The pros: it gives us a lot more detail about the crew and more details about the ship and actions. The con: all the horror and jump scare elements are missing and it hurts the overall experience
The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne
I love everything about this series. Interesting characters, fascinating setting ( one not seen a lot) and an interesting story that progresses without leaving you completely in the dark but dangles enough to make you want more. Bring on book 3!
Pliable Truths by Dayton Ward
I thought this was an excellent novel and a perfect idea for a franchise that’s meandered all over the place trying to fulfill both new series and continue the older series. The author nails the voices and as you would guess there are a number of familiar figures from both TNG and DS9 and I could hear each actor or actress whenever they were featured. It’s a great tie in to pre DS9 as well as explaining O’Brien leaving, Picard aftermath of Chain of Command and even some insight into Kira.
My only knock is the author did too many summaries of past TNG episodes and while 1 makes sense I think he did 2 or 3 and that’s just wasted time IMO. I hope we get more books during this timeline (the Berman era TV shows) as there are hundreds of possibilities and authors willing to write them.
My only knock is the author did too many summaries of past TNG episodes and while 1 makes sense I think he did 2 or 3 and that’s just wasted time IMO. I hope we get more books during this timeline (the Berman era TV shows) as there are hundreds of possibilities and authors willing to write them.
Slow Horses by Mick Herron
This novel was fast passed and incredible. Not a big action novel but one of chess with moves and twists (also done really well on AppleTV) and I can’t wait to dive into the next one.