kamikazegirls's reviews
186 reviews

The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix

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Before we get started, I think it's necessary to put all trigger warnings here first. I did my best to find all the chapters where they're mentioned.

-Rape (Chapter 33)
-Suicide (Chapter 14, Chapter 22)
-CSA (Chapter 17)
-Racism (It's also one of the tings on this list that's everywhere in the book but please avoid Chapter 11 if you don't want to read a certain someone's racist origin story
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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did this bang? yes. did it break me? the answer is still yes.
Under the Pendulum Sun by Jeannette Ng

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sighs im giving this a 2 :/ jeannette ng did a great job setting us up in gethesmane and i thought we were in for a crazy crazy story and it WAS crazy but not in the way i liked. in fact it was very gross and i nearly dnf'ed it but i was already far into it at tht point. this is catherine helstone's story so obv its gonna be about her my fav characters were nowhere to be found :( i enjoyed the salamander alot and the brother and sister with the enochian scarred into their skin but i can literally count the amount of times they appeared on ONE HAND. there are certain parts i really enjoyed but like... the ending reaaaally soured everything else so i cannot, in good conscience, recommend this to anyone
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell

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its giving the house is trying to kill us and the sinner and crimson peak and the silent patient and gore and plenty of death its SO much all wrapped in one but its so good. purcell nailed it!
The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden

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nobody talk to me rn icb i finished it
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson

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twas so spectacular i feel lightheaded typing this. i wouldve preferred it if the final bit was longer but honestly this was fine there was no real need to get into the nitty gritty details of drac's studies apart from me personally wanting to know. anyways constanta i love u i would help u kill drac 1001 times if u asked me to <3
Mr. Bride, Vol. 3 by Natsumi Shiba

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Mr. Bride, Vol. 4 by Natsumi Shiba

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this was like 5 steps forward 8 steps back then 15 steps forward again im rolling around on my bed rn icb i caught up nd have to wait for updates like some kind of LOSER TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT