kindleandcrochet's reviews
1175 reviews

Painted Scars by Neva Altaj

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I really enjoyed this one, i was hoping it would be a bit longer but i definitely want to continue the series at some point.
For Her Benefit by Nana Malone

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Sadly this felt utterly anticlimactic. After all of the action of the books for everything to be so easily tidied away? Sus. Plus the ending was another rush job, could have done so much with it.
I knew what Fenton was about although i was wrong about him, I wasn't wrong about him at the same time. 
I didn't expect the trafficer to be Marcus, I don't know why other than i feel like he was above it. 
I knew the vote was coming and i knew the outcome, long before that point. It was obvious what Davies and The other one would do.
I wish we got to see more of Livy talking to her mum ag the cemetery, that could have been so good, getting comfy to talk and ot just felt rushed and unimportant.

The epilogue was a bit naff, but i get why it sent us in that direction.
Big Ben by Nana Malone

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I enjoyed this, minus the cliff hanger ending

I'm not too fond of Olivia she is super annoying and blaming Ben for everything when she more than likely brought all the trouble to her own door. Refusing to admit that she was wrong and Ben was right, about pretty much everything. Tarring Ben with the same brush she does Dex just because she was manipluated and used by him.
I really hate Fenton and Dex
The Benefactor by Nana Malone

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I really wanted to like this one more than first but it just felt a little lack luster. Olivia spends the entire book being a raging bitch to Ben, who is only trying to keep her safe, assuming so much about everything. Pushing her way into shit that doesn't concern her is why she is in this mess to start with. Poor Ben.

I also think Fenton is the one trying to get to Olivia and that he's a trafficker... Maybe i just really can't stand the bloke. I bet the guy who just grabbed her is Dex... 
Convincing Cara by Melanie Shawn

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Really quite enjoyed this one, sadly it was a bit rushed for my taste, i would have liked to have seen Cara figure out how to deal with Trace in a socail setting without guving it up.
How on earth did Trace not know his brothers office wall didn't reach the ceiling? Also them yelling at each other, then the spontaneous proposal and acceptance and then that was the end... Where was thwm being out in public woth each other? Where was Colton? What does he think? It was just rushed so much especially at the end.
A SEAL's Oath by Cora Seton

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There was an incredible amount of miscommunication... Not just the usual third act but seemingly everything about the book was one huge miscommunication between tr lead characters
Before I Knew by Jamie Beck

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I expected this to be a fun read and instead i am super bored with all the secrets and lies and pretending. It isn't fun and being only a third in I'm.not willing to continue
She Loves Me by Melissa Foster

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I had so much hope for this one, it was goinf really well and then the third act break up. 
The end was rushed and unsatisfying and not at all what k was hoping would happen
Knot So Lucky by Trilina Pucci

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I enjoyed this one, it was fun and fast and spicy, which I didn't expect. The last spicy rec I had was not all that spicy or good so this was a nice surprise.

The third act miscommunication is steong with this one... I kinda hated it. But thankfully it was close to the end and not a major thing.

Definitely interested in more books by the author
Feral by Trish Heinrich

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Anyone ever seen the tv show Warehouse 13? Well this gives me vibes for that show only paranormal romance. 
I think because of the fact that it was similar to Warehouse 13 made me very invested in the story and I really enjoyed it!
It was a fun fast read, once i got stuck into after work i couldn't put it down.

The characters are fun, Fraser is more torturered because of his past and he can be a little bish about it, it is understandable. I wasn't a fan of the miscommunication between Fraser and Daphne, especially with what Fraser said about being able to know stuff about her before she did... Surely then he'd know her feelings were real and not just the bite stuff... Although i guess he was wary because he was hiding himself. The ending of the main story was kinda sad, Fraser veing so worried and locking himself away like he did.
The epilogue was fun but could have been better and longer with like a reunion at the Secret Archive with her friends as well but ehat do i know, I'm not a writer