mckaylakatharine's reviews
129 reviews

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don't Have with People You Don't Like Doing Things You Don't Want to Do by Sarah Knight

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‪- contains some useful information and techniques ‬
‪- wish it contained more techniques rather than focusing on a few‬
‪- fun and comical writing‬
TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking by Chris Anderson

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- not worth reading unless you are giving a TED talk
- most of the info is common knowledge
- author seems narcissistic and takes on the I know everything and if you don’t listen to me you’ll fail attitude
- unenjoyable and boring
Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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This book was not that good. The novel is boring and slow at times, it contains a lot of unimportant filler information, and the climax was basically at the end??? I expected more to happen in this book which just left me feeling unfulfilled. Through reading this book, I learnt that I am not a fan of the writing, although I may give another King novel a try.
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

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‪- thoroughly enjoyed ‬
‪- very different from movie, similar plot but enhanced with new information ‬
‪- everything after the breakup was boring‬
A Good Marriage by Stephen King

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‪- manipulation at its best‬
‪- boring ‬
‪- ew‬
‪- shitty ending‬
‪- still don’t like Stephen King‬
Woman on the Edge by Samantha M. Bailey

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‪- made me super anxious and uneasy (not in a good way)‬
‪- enjoyed the book layout‬
‪- story was mediocre ‬
Animal Farm by George Orwell

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‪- boring‬
‪- not worth reading ‬
‪- felt like a waste of time‬
‪- literally put me to sleep four times‬
I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid

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‪- what the fuck?‬
‪- mind fuck‬
‪- slow at times‬
‪- not sure that I understand the significance of some things e.g. bandaids/DQ girls‬
‪- I need to read it again to truly understand‬
‪- psychological thriller, which I love‬
The Farm by Joanne Ramos

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‪- I hate Ate‬
‪- I love Reagan‬
‪- lacklustre ‬
‪- very boring‬
‪- interesting at times‬
‪- concept is really cool but execution lacked ‬
‪- definitely not worth reading‬