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nadineeeeeee's reviews
79 reviews
Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
at first it was just going to be three stars at best bc book colin is so 😭⁉️⁉️ but the last two chapters…….. they’re kinda cute ngl giggling kicking my feet. lile they’re soo soft there and colin changed for the better idkk. those last two chapters added the 0.25 <33 i love polin so much omg most people just don’t get it like i do!!!!!!!!! (1.7.24)
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
something about it was boring tons of the time (especially at the beginning) but the paragraph about the fig tree!!!!!! and other things (!!!!!)i will (probably) put here once my battery is more than 20% and i’m no longer tired sick.
i’ve got to say though, the racism that was constantly laced throughout this book was weird and uncomfortable as fuck. but benefit of the doubt for a white woman in the 1960s i guess.
more thoughts to come we’ll see 13.5.24
i’ve got to say though, the racism that was constantly laced throughout this book was weird and uncomfortable as fuck. but benefit of the doubt for a white woman in the 1960s i guess.
more thoughts to come we’ll see 13.5.24
Twelfth Knight by Alexene Farol Follmuth
thank you to netgalley and publisher for the arc!
HAPPY RELEASE DAY IN THREE DAYS!!!!! <3333 i’ve been putting off writing a review for this book because i feel like no amount of paragraphs from me can pay it justice but well. here we are!
i love love <b><i>love</b></i> this book so much (if you can’t tell already from the rating). i had such a ball reading this, like this book was written for me!!!!!!!!!! i was scrolling through my previous ‘annotations’ from my first read to prepare myself for writing this review, and every charm, every banter, all the good things about this book just came back to me.
you can tell that the author of this book (alexene farol follmuth, i love you please do keep writing romcoms) actually <i>had</i> gone through the HELL that is often referred to as a ‘fanbase’ (a too innocent name for something so self-destroying honestly) with the amount of fandom references and terms sprinkled throughout the every-day-life, and how these obsessive, sleep deprived, chronically online (affectionate) average-internet-user-fan behaviors were ingrained <i>deep</i> into her main characters (most specifically VI (my love!!).
i have soo much to say just about this aspect of the book alone. vi ranting about toxic people in the fandom, vi immediately looking into a fix-it fic after a disappointing piece of media, vi (as cesario) telling jack about tumblr and its edits (my favorite one btw, if you even care), vi rushing to make a thread on how horrible the season was, LIKE DO YOU GET IT. ITS SO FUN.
having <b>VIOLA REYES</b> as a main character in a romcom novel was probably one of the most FUN i’ve ever had reading-wise this year. she’s so opinionated (which is probably my most favorite thing about her), whether it’s to us (the readers) or to the people around her. she’s confident, and independent but still with tons of flaws and self-destructive tendencies (avoidant attachment issues, isolation, etc) that she would have to explore and grow out of throughout the book. she’s angry all the time (mostly about how everything in the world always work in favor of the western world and men) and she’s RIGHT every time of course. her sarcasm and witty remarks are one for the books, and i could listen to her talking about how wrong everything is with the world for HOURS. she’s obsessive and a fanatic and a maniac when it comes to her favorite media (just like me fr), and how she often uses it and its fandom as escapism, and she’s sooo happy and giddy when she’s around the kind and excited people that share this same interest of her (also just like me). it’s allll sooooo endearing to watch. I LOVE HERR (can jack fight).
<b>JACK ORSINO</b> is also not to be forgotten, of course! he’s kinda giving patrick verona (add the likeable-to-the-mass par though) to vi’s kat startford, and i loved every second of it. jack is your average popular, attractive, glorified, but still very likeable and loved by all, football player in a high school setting from the outside, but he’s sooo much more than that in the inside. first of all, he’s also a DORK. his interactions with cesario (vi) only proved that as much (also the way he so easily grasped the chronically online language after a short period of time was really impressive, he could easily be one of my tumblr mutuals and i would not bat an eye). not to mention, he’s also a deep pathological people pleaser that i, for one, had no choice but to relate. we got to explore him having an existential crisis after the whole football thing went south, and see him tentatively and timidly explore more of his options in the world even when everything still felt unreal to him. it’s great!
<b> <i> *hey siri please look up viola reyes/jack orsino modern au angst fluff T on* </i></b>
do i even have to say anything more about them???? i love them. and i fear that’s all i have to say. like jane austen was very right when she said “if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more” because yes!!! if i loved them less then i might be able to talk about them more!!
few things i’d say about them though : i love their interactions and the build up to everything. whether it’s offline or online, everything was just! perfect! in real life, their banter and silly goofy behaviors despite it all captivated me. whereas online, their unhealthy tendencies to stay up late until like two to play games and fangirl while also criticizing obsessively about this show they’re currently watching ALSO captivated me. there’s just nothing to lose with them.
i love the fact that, while romance is the main focus of this story, it doesn’t make our two main characters explicitly only grows within that narrative.
vi and jack are both well-written and well fleshed out and both respectively have strong personalities in their own way, and that just makes it all the more interesting. how their roles in the romance aren’t what dictate their characters, but exactly the opposite. vi and jack’s relationship is the main thing to be fixated on in this story, but we also get to see how each of their relationships with other people broke and healed.
especially with vi, who often has trouble with letting people in, even those who are already close to her, and how sometimes it feels like it’s easier to just immediately take the gasoline and burn the bridge. her friendship with antonia (which is also part of the reason why i hope you stayed until the very end because their resolution!!), her growing friendship with olivia in the midst of it all, her relationship with her family (bash and her mom, which also has incredibly well writtej moments), and everything else. we also get to see glimpses of the dynamics and the bumps within the orsino family (although not as thorough as vi’s) and how everything comes together in the end. and of course, his falling out with his girlfriend, olivia and how it all ended up intertwining in this story.
(okay woah that’s definitely not just a thing or two. anyways. moving on)
the <b>side characters</b> are also soooooooo! i love all of them. the dynamics between vi’s family (bash and their mom) was so comical and sitcom-esque, it’s like a cherry on top. i actually did laugh (like real <i>real</i> laugh) reading so many of their interactions. olivia is so sweet and i love her. vi’s friendship with antonia is a bit rocky in the story, but you’ll see!!! and i don’t know. everything, everything else.
another thing i love and appreciate about this book is the <b>representations and the constant conversations about gender and racial discriminations </b>. again, why i love ya contemporaries so much is how they bring up hard topics like these and talk about them, but not like it’s revolutionary to do so (like how often hollywood does ekhem), but casually while also still bearing much weight because for most people, it’s a struggle well-acknowledged and felt everyday.
the main characters are diverse and each of them, at some point of the story, whether said explicitly or not, has opened up to their struggles as someone who’s not a privileged white man living in the free world of america.
this is a ya romance novel, but also deeply entwined with tonssss of social and political commentaries (mostly by vi of course) served as passing remarks that just makes it all more realistic and thought-provoking to read.
so. uhhh bottom line—woah this is a really long review isn’t it 😭—I LOVE THIS BOOK.
actually, it’s not a 4.75 stars (sorry i was just in denial) this is, to me, a full on 5 STARS. i love love love this book so much (oh really, we can’t tell) and i can’t wait to read more of her books to come!!!! <3 soo going to buy the physical copy of this once it’s available here! (ok i really need to stop now my phone is heating up but AJSKSKSGDL READ IT 🫶🏽🫶🏽) (25.5.24)
FINISHED THIS WITH ONLY 23 HOURS TO GO. THIS WAS SO SO GOOD. kinda tempted to just give this a five star not going to lie. thank you to netgalley and publisher for the arc<333 RTC! 11.5.24
HAPPY RELEASE DAY IN THREE DAYS!!!!! <3333 i’ve been putting off writing a review for this book because i feel like no amount of paragraphs from me can pay it justice but well. here we are!
i love love <b><i>love</b></i> this book so much (if you can’t tell already from the rating). i had such a ball reading this, like this book was written for me!!!!!!!!!! i was scrolling through my previous ‘annotations’ from my first read to prepare myself for writing this review, and every charm, every banter, all the good things about this book just came back to me.
you can tell that the author of this book (alexene farol follmuth, i love you please do keep writing romcoms) actually <i>had</i> gone through the HELL that is often referred to as a ‘fanbase’ (a too innocent name for something so self-destroying honestly) with the amount of fandom references and terms sprinkled throughout the every-day-life, and how these obsessive, sleep deprived, chronically online (affectionate) average-internet-user-fan behaviors were ingrained <i>deep</i> into her main characters (most specifically VI (my love!!).
i have soo much to say just about this aspect of the book alone. vi ranting about toxic people in the fandom, vi immediately looking into a fix-it fic after a disappointing piece of media, vi (as cesario) telling jack about tumblr and its edits (my favorite one btw, if you even care), vi rushing to make a thread on how horrible the season was, LIKE DO YOU GET IT. ITS SO FUN.
having <b>VIOLA REYES</b> as a main character in a romcom novel was probably one of the most FUN i’ve ever had reading-wise this year. she’s so opinionated (which is probably my most favorite thing about her), whether it’s to us (the readers) or to the people around her. she’s confident, and independent but still with tons of flaws and self-destructive tendencies (avoidant attachment issues, isolation, etc) that she would have to explore and grow out of throughout the book. she’s angry all the time (mostly about how everything in the world always work in favor of the western world and men) and she’s RIGHT every time of course. her sarcasm and witty remarks are one for the books, and i could listen to her talking about how wrong everything is with the world for HOURS. she’s obsessive and a fanatic and a maniac when it comes to her favorite media (just like me fr), and how she often uses it and its fandom as escapism, and she’s sooo happy and giddy when she’s around the kind and excited people that share this same interest of her (also just like me). it’s allll sooooo endearing to watch. I LOVE HERR (can jack fight).
<b>JACK ORSINO</b> is also not to be forgotten, of course! he’s kinda giving patrick verona (add the likeable-to-the-mass par though) to vi’s kat startford, and i loved every second of it. jack is your average popular, attractive, glorified, but still very likeable and loved by all, football player in a high school setting from the outside, but he’s sooo much more than that in the inside. first of all, he’s also a DORK. his interactions with cesario (vi) only proved that as much (also the way he so easily grasped the chronically online language after a short period of time was really impressive, he could easily be one of my tumblr mutuals and i would not bat an eye). not to mention, he’s also a deep pathological people pleaser that i, for one, had no choice but to relate. we got to explore him having an existential crisis after the whole football thing went south, and see him tentatively and timidly explore more of his options in the world even when everything still felt unreal to him. it’s great!
<b> <i> *hey siri please look up viola reyes/jack orsino modern au angst fluff T on* </i></b>
do i even have to say anything more about them???? i love them. and i fear that’s all i have to say. like jane austen was very right when she said “if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more” because yes!!! if i loved them less then i might be able to talk about them more!!
few things i’d say about them though : i love their interactions and the build up to everything. whether it’s offline or online, everything was just! perfect! in real life, their banter and silly goofy behaviors despite it all captivated me. whereas online, their unhealthy tendencies to stay up late until like two to play games and fangirl while also criticizing obsessively about this show they’re currently watching ALSO captivated me. there’s just nothing to lose with them.
i love the fact that, while romance is the main focus of this story, it doesn’t make our two main characters explicitly only grows within that narrative.
vi and jack are both well-written and well fleshed out and both respectively have strong personalities in their own way, and that just makes it all the more interesting. how their roles in the romance aren’t what dictate their characters, but exactly the opposite. vi and jack’s relationship is the main thing to be fixated on in this story, but we also get to see how each of their relationships with other people broke and healed.
especially with vi, who often has trouble with letting people in, even those who are already close to her, and how sometimes it feels like it’s easier to just immediately take the gasoline and burn the bridge. her friendship with antonia (which is also part of the reason why i hope you stayed until the very end because their resolution!!), her growing friendship with olivia in the midst of it all, her relationship with her family (bash and her mom, which also has incredibly well writtej moments), and everything else. we also get to see glimpses of the dynamics and the bumps within the orsino family (although not as thorough as vi’s) and how everything comes together in the end. and of course, his falling out with his girlfriend, olivia and how it all ended up intertwining in this story.
(okay woah that’s definitely not just a thing or two. anyways. moving on)
the <b>side characters</b> are also soooooooo! i love all of them. the dynamics between vi’s family (bash and their mom) was so comical and sitcom-esque, it’s like a cherry on top. i actually did laugh (like real <i>real</i> laugh) reading so many of their interactions. olivia is so sweet and i love her. vi’s friendship with antonia is a bit rocky in the story, but you’ll see!!! and i don’t know. everything, everything else.
another thing i love and appreciate about this book is the <b>representations and the constant conversations about gender and racial discriminations </b>. again, why i love ya contemporaries so much is how they bring up hard topics like these and talk about them, but not like it’s revolutionary to do so (like how often hollywood does ekhem), but casually while also still bearing much weight because for most people, it’s a struggle well-acknowledged and felt everyday.
the main characters are diverse and each of them, at some point of the story, whether said explicitly or not, has opened up to their struggles as someone who’s not a privileged white man living in the free world of america.
this is a ya romance novel, but also deeply entwined with tonssss of social and political commentaries (mostly by vi of course) served as passing remarks that just makes it all more realistic and thought-provoking to read.
so. uhhh bottom line—woah this is a really long review isn’t it 😭—I LOVE THIS BOOK.
actually, it’s not a 4.75 stars (sorry i was just in denial) this is, to me, a full on 5 STARS. i love love love this book so much (oh really, we can’t tell) and i can’t wait to read more of her books to come!!!! <3 soo going to buy the physical copy of this once it’s available here! (ok i really need to stop now my phone is heating up but AJSKSKSGDL READ IT 🫶🏽🫶🏽) (25.5.24)
FINISHED THIS WITH ONLY 23 HOURS TO GO. THIS WAS SO SO GOOD. kinda tempted to just give this a five star not going to lie. thank you to netgalley and publisher for the arc<333 RTC! 11.5.24
The Garden of Time by J.G. Ballard
soo many thoughts. rtc!
9.5.24 | saw a tumblr post that said : “the irony of this year's met gala theme being based on a short story about cloistered, decadently-dressed aristocracy desperately pillaging the natural resources at their disposal to hold the advancing tide of the restless underclass at bay is honestly baffling” and yeah. that sums everything up.
interesting and wildly hypocritical of them (though what else is new) that they glamorized the short story that criticizes them inside out and turned it into an event celebrating them, owning it with no shame. while of course 'the garden of time' serves many interpretations that one can take upon reading it, i just can't let the eerie similarities escape my mind. and there's no way none of them smart ass there have not taken it in this light and considered its paradoxical nature. it's beyond sickening.
I've heard few interpretations of this story. that it was about colonialism and the destruction of nature that comes alongside it (because the former can never exist without having the latter as a consequence). that it was about humankind using nature over and over and over again and exploiting it to dispel the looming threat of death and demolition until there was none and the world is barred because however we try, the decaying of the earth is inevitable. etc.
and yet i also found, in all of these, it's always framing the mob as this villain of the story (the colonizer, the nuclear bomb that will leave the planet inhabitable). they are always dehumanized, a group of raging savages, unreasonable and insistent in its goal to destroy an environment of peace, simply because they were set in contrast with pretty collected calm polished people who are only those things because they are privileged enough not to have any reason not to be. interesting, sounds familiar, have heard that before.
while, in all of their different forms and perspective, the story is impressively undeniably effective and influential all the same, it's a bit crazy how some people will still ignore the elephant in the room and try to look beyond the lake, squinting, while talking about this and the met gala just to not bring up the unfortunately accurate and uncanny and sinister connections between the two. in our good year of 2024????? come on! tbc (less)
9.5.24 | saw a tumblr post that said : “the irony of this year's met gala theme being based on a short story about cloistered, decadently-dressed aristocracy desperately pillaging the natural resources at their disposal to hold the advancing tide of the restless underclass at bay is honestly baffling” and yeah. that sums everything up.
interesting and wildly hypocritical of them (though what else is new) that they glamorized the short story that criticizes them inside out and turned it into an event celebrating them, owning it with no shame. while of course 'the garden of time' serves many interpretations that one can take upon reading it, i just can't let the eerie similarities escape my mind. and there's no way none of them smart ass there have not taken it in this light and considered its paradoxical nature. it's beyond sickening.
I've heard few interpretations of this story. that it was about colonialism and the destruction of nature that comes alongside it (because the former can never exist without having the latter as a consequence). that it was about humankind using nature over and over and over again and exploiting it to dispel the looming threat of death and demolition until there was none and the world is barred because however we try, the decaying of the earth is inevitable. etc.
and yet i also found, in all of these, it's always framing the mob as this villain of the story (the colonizer, the nuclear bomb that will leave the planet inhabitable). they are always dehumanized, a group of raging savages, unreasonable and insistent in its goal to destroy an environment of peace, simply because they were set in contrast with pretty collected calm polished people who are only those things because they are privileged enough not to have any reason not to be. interesting, sounds familiar, have heard that before.
while, in all of their different forms and perspective, the story is impressively undeniably effective and influential all the same, it's a bit crazy how some people will still ignore the elephant in the room and try to look beyond the lake, squinting, while talking about this and the met gala just to not bring up the unfortunately accurate and uncanny and sinister connections between the two. in our good year of 2024????? come on! tbc (less)
Tokyo Revengers (Omnibus) Vol. 9-10 by Ken Wakui
he’s such a loser
first manga!!! it’s okay, though that ending was definitely ‼️‼️‼️ 5.5.24
first manga!!! it’s okay, though that ending was definitely ‼️‼️‼️ 5.5.24
Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone Graphic Novel by Leigh Bardugo
tis stunning piece of art and the ending was like 😲 but feels like a filler ep
4 stars (derogatory) 😁👍 1.5.24
4 stars (derogatory) 😁👍 1.5.24
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
this was soooo much fun! i was a bit scared that i wouldn’t like the mystery but i ended up LOVING it. the romance though……….. the return of the intense “i can fix him” mentality, that’s the reason why it got knocked off -0.15 points.
I DONT GET IT. like we were good in book two, still iffy but BETTER. and with averyjameson as the endgame in the sequel, they were going off STRONG. i don’t know why we had to dredged up grayson and his brooding “i’m broken unfixable” tortured persona and did it in a way that’s more dramatic than ever which is just……….. ugh ew.
i feel like we could’ve explored more into grayson’s trauma from the previous books (especially the last one with if you know what) and with what’s happening now without bringing back the love triangle in full force. the entire just ended up being cringe to me. “oh the brooding hurt blonde guy with his white shirt unbuttoned at the top sitting by the window playing the violin, sad and beautiful, after just breaking one” STOP. it just made me dislike him for a second when i found him a great character in the second book 😭
unless it’s a subtle and minor moment with a minor character in the big picture as a whole that make our main love interest slightly jealous and make them realize with an oh!, i despiseee love triangle. and the romance in this just made me realize it more. because they just went around and around when it could’ve been SOOOO MUCH EASIER.
i do love averyjameson though. at first i wasn’t sure when i started the second book (i wasn’g rooting for anyone really) but as the series went on, i was like OH FUCK YES. they ARE the power couple. i get a good part oc the fandom now.
xander!!!!!! my love!!!!!!! i love him so much. he’s just silly and funny and to be honest, probably the most emotionally intelligent out of all of the other brothers. maybe alongside nash. and yes maybe it’s because i’m just biased because i’ve become very fond of this scone obsessed mad scientist guy more and more throught.
THE ENDING. I LOVED IT. i think it was so good. i loved the mystery, the climax. so gooddd.
like i’m kinda thinking of getting brothers hawthorne and the newest book now………… at first i wasn’t interested because at the time i still hadn’t given the second book a try but now!!!! hm maybe i should. i almost cried happy tears over these fictional rich kids so like. maybe i’ve gotten too deep in this.
I DONT GET IT. like we were good in book two, still iffy but BETTER. and with averyjameson as the endgame in the sequel, they were going off STRONG. i don’t know why we had to dredged up grayson and his brooding “i’m broken unfixable” tortured persona and did it in a way that’s more dramatic than ever which is just……….. ugh ew.
i feel like we could’ve explored more into grayson’s trauma from the previous books (especially the last one with if you know what) and with what’s happening now without bringing back the love triangle in full force. the entire just ended up being cringe to me. “oh the brooding hurt blonde guy with his white shirt unbuttoned at the top sitting by the window playing the violin, sad and beautiful, after just breaking one” STOP. it just made me dislike him for a second when i found him a great character in the second book 😭
unless it’s a subtle and minor moment with a minor character in the big picture as a whole that make our main love interest slightly jealous and make them realize with an oh!, i despiseee love triangle. and the romance in this just made me realize it more. because they just went around and around when it could’ve been SOOOO MUCH EASIER.
i do love averyjameson though. at first i wasn’t sure when i started the second book (i wasn’g rooting for anyone really) but as the series went on, i was like OH FUCK YES. they ARE the power couple. i get a good part oc the fandom now.
xander!!!!!! my love!!!!!!! i love him so much. he’s just silly and funny and to be honest, probably the most emotionally intelligent out of all of the other brothers. maybe alongside nash. and yes maybe it’s because i’m just biased because i’ve become very fond of this scone obsessed mad scientist guy more and more throught.
THE ENDING. I LOVED IT. i think it was so good. i loved the mystery, the climax. so gooddd.
like i’m kinda thinking of getting brothers hawthorne and the newest book now………… at first i wasn’t interested because at the time i still hadn’t given the second book a try but now!!!! hm maybe i should. i almost cried happy tears over these fictional rich kids so like. maybe i’ve gotten too deep in this.
Four Eids and a Funeral by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, Adiba Jaigirdar
you don’t understand, i am OBSESSED. new favorite ya romcom alert ‼️ i fear i will never shut up about this I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. like i miss them already hold on 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😔 literally had tears in my eyes at the end AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this totally feels like every other time i just finished watching a good romcom ITS TOO CUTE. and it makes me want to pace around the room and scream. ME WHEN. i love them your honor, said and tiwa it seems i have become very fond of you, you two are like fav oomfs to me now 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
this is the first novel i’ve ever read from both Adiba Jaigirdar and Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé and it def won’t be the last! i am OBSESSED. really really hope i’ll be able to get my hands on the physical copy of this once it comes out aaaaa<3
thank you netgalley and publisher for the arc, rtc!!
(19-20/4/24 (midnight))
11.05.24 just realized i hadn't given my stars review yet?? 4.75 with a more...... comprehensible review to come!
this is the first novel i’ve ever read from both Adiba Jaigirdar and Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé and it def won’t be the last! i am OBSESSED. really really hope i’ll be able to get my hands on the physical copy of this once it comes out aaaaa<3
thank you netgalley and publisher for the arc, rtc!!
(19-20/4/24 (midnight))
11.05.24 just realized i hadn't given my stars review yet?? 4.75 with a more...... comprehensible review to come!
The Enchantress Returns by Brandon Dorman, Chris Colfer
conner is both a treasure and a menace to society and i love him for it
this was good! it’s just that i’m not part of the target audience anymore, so it doesn’t hit the same as it did with the first book for middle school me 🥲
i have such a new found appreciation and awe for this entire series though after i found out that chris colfer was literally fucking 23 when he wrote this like????????????? and while also starring in fucking glee????????????????????????? i could NEVER, good for him!!!!!!
also 🤭 me????? finishing two books back to back, two days in a row?????? 🤭 nadine fast reader era????? 🤭
this was good! it’s just that i’m not part of the target audience anymore, so it doesn’t hit the same as it did with the first book for middle school me 🥲
i have such a new found appreciation and awe for this entire series though after i found out that chris colfer was literally fucking 23 when he wrote this like????????????? and while also starring in fucking glee????????????????????????? i could NEVER, good for him!!!!!!
also 🤭 me????? finishing two books back to back, two days in a row?????? 🤭 nadine fast reader era????? 🤭