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108 reviews
Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Well, It didn't meet my expectations at all. I actually read The Remnant Chronicles just because of it. Since it's set in the same world and the magic is better understood there but Dance of Thieves is 6 or 7 year after it. Anyway, one year later I got to reading this book with high expectations but I just didn't like it. I didn't like the romance or the plot and I'm not sure if it's because it's actually bad or it's because I've developed more as a reader and grew out of young-adult genre. But I do remember that I flew threw the first and second book of the Remnant chronicles and the characters and mysteries were well written. BUT I also want to note that this time I noticed something that Mary E. Pearson always does and it only bothered me now. She summarizes conversations? The two main characters would be talking and getting to understand each other better and instead of the actual dialogue it would just be like (I asked about that and he told me about his family history and how they were this and that and I thought it was fascinating) -_- It just pulls me out of the moment and I can't connect with them. This is a 500+ pages book, the dialouge shouldn't be skipped it's VITAL!
I wouldn't be reading Vow of Thieves, I'm just not interested.
I wouldn't be reading Vow of Thieves, I'm just not interested.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Extremely well written and engaging book, at the last third the genre almost changed and I couldn't put it down. I like reading the stream of thought of Mrs. De Winter. I wish I knew her first name, but I guess it serves a very important purpose of showing she is not confident in her own personality at the moment. She simply filled in the place of the last Mrs. De Winter, which make her compare herself to her and feel inferior all the time. The way she overthinks is very relatable to me although a bit exaggerated. I didn't like the way she acted sometimes especially with Maxim, but they say love is blind. With the exception of Agatha Christie books, this is the most enjoyable classic I have read. I loved it because everytime I pick it up I am instantly engaged even if it's just describing the garden. Because even the weather plays a part in the emotional development of the story. Ugh when it FINALLY RAINED the moment Favell came and revealed the note, it seemed as if everything would be destroyed. When it was so very cold and she kept having flashes of manderley and its memories, they came back to ashes and ruins. Rebecca was scary even as a ghost. I believe she did win in the end. She wanted a fast death and she was already dying of cancer, Max helped her achieve her goal, that's why she died laughing.
As soon as I finished the book I reread the first two chapters and it felt immensely different than the first time! I finally knew what she was talking about, it was vague then. Which goes to show that cognitive bias influences the way we process everything. That was the most important message I learnt from the book. Overall, Such an amazing experience ♡
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
As soon as I finished the book I reread the first two chapters and it felt immensely different than the first time! I finally knew what she was talking about, it was vague then. Which goes to show that cognitive bias influences the way we process everything. That was the most important message I learnt from the book. Overall, Such an amazing experience ♡
لاعب الشطرنج by Stefan Zweig
- Plot- or character-driven? Character
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
الكتاب يشد من الصفحات الأولى، أحداثه سريعة بحكم حجمه الصغير والأسلوب فيه سلس ويوصل الفكرة بأقل عدد من الكلمات. في البداية كانت قصة لطيفة على سطح سفينة متجهة إلى بوينس ايريس عن التعرف على أفضل لاعب شطرنج وفهم كيف هذا الشخص البليد في كل مجال والبارد في عواطفه يكون موهوب لدرجة خيالية في الشطرنج وما فيه أحد يتفوق عليه. الشخصية الرئيسية تحاول تتقرب منه وبعد محاولات قدر هو ومجموعة من اللي على سطح السفينة انهم يلعبوا معاه مباراة وخسروا بشكل فادح وطلبوا منه مباراة ثانية، كادوا يخسروا لولا تدخل شخص مجهول ساعدهم وشرح لهم كيف الحركة اللي حيسووها راح تؤثر على الجولات القادمة، تفاجؤوا منه وسمعوا كلامه ولاحظوا ان اللاعب المشهور كان يطول بالتفكير لما صديقهم المجهول شارك. في الأخير تعادلوا، وبالنسبة لهم فعليا التعادل يعتبر فوز لهم وهزيمة للاعب المشهور. شوية شوية تبدا الشخصية الرئيسية تتعرف على الشخص المجهول والموهوب بشدة ويكتشف انه شخص جدا متواضع. طلب منه يلعب مرة ثانية بس هو واللاعب المشهور لكنه رفض بشدة وأصر على أنه مجرد هاوي وما لمس رقعة الشطرنج من عشرين سنة!! كيف وهو موهوب ويفكر عشرين خطوة قدام! وهنا تبدأ أهم جزئية في الكتاب، يحكي لنا قصته كيف عوقب بالعزل القصري لمدة ست شهور ما فيه أي شي يحفز عقله. ست شهور وحيد في غرفة فارغة فعليا الا من سرير وطاولة وحوض، تأمل وحفظ رسم الجدران، ما فيه غيره هو وأفكاره اللي مع مرور الوقت صارت فارغة لأن ما فيه شي يحفزها. ما يقدر يعرف حتى كم الوقت أو كم يوم مر. بالصدفة قدر يسرق كتاب شطرنج فيه ١٥٠ مباراة وبدأ بتعلم ويتخيل المباريات في عقله كيف ممكن تكون ويتخيل نفسه يلعب. بعدين خلاص خلصت كل المباريات وكررها اكثر من مرة لين حفظها، فبدأ يلعب مع نفسه! هو الطرفين الأبيض والأسود، شوي شوي بدأ يفصل الطرفين عن بعض لدرجة إذا تأخر طرف يعصب عليه طأنه الطرف الثاني ويصرخ!! طول الوقت كان يحس انه فيه شخص مهزوم بداخله وانه بينتقم له. كان يمشي في الغرفة وهو يلعب المباريات في عقله وعيونه فيها نظرة جنون. بعدين تحرر من السجن هذا وتعالج من حالة الهوس بس نصحه الطبيب انه ما يلعب شطرنج أبدا لأنه ممكن يرجع ينتكس. لما شافهم يلعبوا الشطرنج وهو على السفينة حس بغرابة، كأنه هذا الشي كان في عقله في هذيك الفترة فقط وانه مو شي حقيقي. لما شافهم بيتصرفوا غلط ما قدر يتحمل يسيبهم واضطر يساعدهم بس فعليا هو ما يبغى يلعب مرة ثانية عشان ما ينجن. في آخر مشهد في الرواية يرضى انه يلعب مع المشهور وفي الأخير بدأ يفقد عقله ويتصرف بغرابة وغلط لأنه كان يحسب ان القطع في أماكن غير ولعب على هذا الأساس. كأنه نقل اللعبة وكملها في خياله وانفصل عن الواقع. لما تفاجأ من هزيمته قرر يلعب مرة ثانية بس الشخصية الرئيسية منعته وتمالك نفسه واستوعب ايش صار له واعتذر من الجميع واتعرف بخسارته ومشي.
القصة انتهت بسرعة بس فضلت أفكر فيها طول اليوم، كيف ممكن الهوس يتحول لجنون وانفصام، كيف تركيزنا الكامل والتام على شي واحد يخلينا افكارنا تنفصل عن الواقع. كيف الانسان ممكن يتحمل التعذيب ولا يتحمل العزلة الكاملة. وفكرة انه ستيفان زفايغ انتحر بعد نشر هذا الكتاب بفترة قصيرة تحسسني انه له علاقة بالانتحار.انه بدل ما يترك اللعبة زي لاعب الشطرنج لا قرر يستسلم ويكمل. ما ادري بس الكتاب مرة عجبني وادهشني واجمل شي في الموضوع انه في قصة قصيرة مرة قدر يوصل افكاره بطريقة رائعة. ان شاء الله مو آخر قراءة لستيفان زفايغ.
القصة انتهت بسرعة بس فضلت أفكر فيها طول اليوم، كيف ممكن الهوس يتحول لجنون وانفصام، كيف تركيزنا الكامل والتام على شي واحد يخلينا افكارنا تنفصل عن الواقع. كيف الانسان ممكن يتحمل التعذيب ولا يتحمل العزلة الكاملة. وفكرة انه ستيفان زفايغ انتحر بعد نشر هذا الكتاب بفترة قصيرة تحسسني انه له علاقة بالانتحار.
ملحمة الحرافيش by Naguib Mahfouz
Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
طفششششت مرة ممل!!! اللغة حلوة بس خلاص ما فيه شي يدفعني أقرأ خفت يجيني فتور قراءة لذلك باسحب على الرواية. يمكن أرجع لها بعدين، يمكن لا، بس حاليًا ما راح أضغط على نفسي زيادة.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I think I'm enchanted by this novel. I can't possibly give it anything other than 5 stars. From start to finish I was so invested in this story and it's characters that I feel empty after turning the last page, I've never like this for a while. It's sad to see how all of Cath's hopes and dreams crash one by one, I can't understamd how extremely frustrated she was at everyone. They're all mad but not everyone is charmingly so. I didn't really like Wonderland but after reading this book it changed my opinion completely. And I'm starting to look at the queen of hearts with a new perspective. Cheshire cat and Hatta are absolutely amazing I loved them, especially the progressing deterioration of Hatta's mind, it was beautifully written. And Jest! Ugh I can't even think about him he breaks my heart :'( I knew something bad was going to happen or else Catherine wouldn't go mad. But I suspected it could be because Jest would eventually betray her. I suspected him till the very last moment but he was completely innocent! He was just truly in love. I was in denial even when he was murdered I kept telling myself that maybe this is all an illusion and he will come back but he didn't. The prophecy was true. I have mixed feelings about Peter Peter, he's also a victim, the Hatta unknowingly ruined his life. I think that in wonderland you can either be mad or miserable or both.
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
There are two stories in this book: Peter Pan & Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. The first story and the one I actually wanted to read was wonderful. It emphasizes the difference between children and adults. Peter is arrogant but I never thought badly about him, he has a pure baby mind which explains his behavior. I actually pittied him because everything around him is imaginary and he can't tell the difference between whats real and what's not. He is also very sad even if he can't realize it. The fact that he's forgetful makes sense. Wendy is such a dear she believed in him till the end.
I was excited to read the other story but it was extremely boring and dull. I skipped so much because I couldn't take it anymore. What I concluded was that apparently children used to be birds so when they are human they still believe they can fly and they want to go back to the treetops. Many fail, but Peter pan was able to escape. He lived among fairies and their queen granted him a wish. His wish was to go back to his mother, so the queen gave him the ability to fly but said she can't open the door for him. He was sure that the window will be open for him and it was so he went in and felt so much love for his sad sleeping mother but decided to go back to her later because of some silly reason. After some time he decided to go back for good, but to his dismay, the window was barred and his mother was holding another baby :( He left and never came back. It's quite depressing to feel abandoned. There are many weird elements in the story but it's a childrens book so that's normal.
I was excited to read the other story but it was extremely boring and dull. I skipped so much because I couldn't take it anymore. What I concluded was that
حوجن by Ibraheem Abbas
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
أبدا ما كنت حاقرأ الكتاب لولا أنه زميلتي اقترحته عليا. مرة قراءته سهلة وسريعة والسبب يرجع لبساطة السرد وقلة عدد الكلمات في الصفحة الواحدة. فيه اشياء كانت كرنج شوية بالذات إياد البطل المغوار. اللهجة الحجازية ما كنت متقبلتها بس بعدين اقتنعت انها اعطت واقعية للشخصيات وخلتني أحسهم ناس حقيقيين وبنفس الوقت خلت الرواية سهلة. بس فيه عامل كان ناقص وافتقدته كثير وهو عامل الخوف وعدم التقبل للجن، يعني المفترض لما يتفاعل حوجن مع الانس انهم ينفجعوا وما يصدقوا ولا يتقبلوا لكن حسيت كأنهم متعودين وعادي ايش يعني جني يكلمنا بالذات إياد مستعد يضحي بحياته عشان سوسن وانه يتلبسه جني كأنه شي يتكرر وطبيعي 😂 طيب فرضًا حوجن طلع مارد ويستغل حب اياد لسوسن؟ كيف ما يشك فيه ولا للحظة؟
بس الصراحة الشي اللي الرواية خلتني أدركه هو ان الجن أقوام زينا ومخيرين.. اعرف آية (وما خلقنا الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون) بس احس ما كنت مستوعبتها والرواية ذكرتني. خلصت الرواية في أقل من ٢٤ ساعة كانت مشوقة الصراحة، اللغة مو واو والعامي كان يدخل في السرد اللي مفترض يكون فصحى. أحس أقدر اصنف رواية حوجن مع روايات أسامة المسلم كلها موجهة تقريبًا لنفس الفئة بس بصراحة إبراهيم عباس على الرغم من ضعف كتابته إلا انه احسن بمراااحل من أسامة.
بس الصراحة الشي اللي الرواية خلتني أدركه هو ان الجن أقوام زينا ومخيرين.. اعرف آية (وما خلقنا الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون) بس احس ما كنت مستوعبتها والرواية ذكرتني. خلصت الرواية في أقل من ٢٤ ساعة كانت مشوقة الصراحة، اللغة مو واو والعامي كان يدخل في السرد اللي مفترض يكون فصحى. أحس أقدر اصنف رواية حوجن مع روايات أسامة المسلم كلها موجهة تقريبًا لنفس الفئة بس بصراحة إبراهيم عباس على الرغم من ضعف كتابته إلا انه احسن بمراااحل من أسامة.
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? No
I've never taken this long to finish a thriller book. I wanted to read massive chunks of it in one setting but to my disappointment I was too busy. Pip has a super weird name but she's really smart and it was extremely enjoyable to read her investigations and deductions. The fact that the book had a map and images of emails really got me in the story and into Pip's shoes. Ravi is such a well written character, he's cute and thoughtful and weirdly funny and how his brothers indictment by the town affected him really got me emotional. The plot is perfectly written there wasn't any plot holes that I've noticed.
I understand why Pip decided not to get Naomi in prison because she wasn't directly responsible for the hit and run or what happened to Sal. But for her to have compassion with Becca bell and warning her to leave before police catch her is stupid. Even if she didn't mean to kill her sister, even if she didn't save her in a moment of rage, she still threw her in a septic tank which is psycho! That was the first time Pip's judgement was completely off and she paid the price right after. Thankfully all the people who should be behind bars were eventually there. All in all very entertaining read. I just don't know why it's a series when everything has been solved.
أيام العرب: حكايات وتأريخ ومشاهد by محمد يحيى
كتاب رائع مليء بالمعلومات التاريخية المثيرة للاهتمام عن العرب قبل الإسلام، في البداية تكلم عن أصلهم وبعدين تطرق لعاداتهم السيء منها والجيد وعن كيفية تطور اللغة العربية وبدء عشق العرب للشعر. والديانة كيف تغيرت وتأثرت بعوامل كثيرة. بعض القصص في الكتاب أشك في صحتها ومصادرها مو كثير. اقدر اعتبر بعض القصص من الاساطير والحكايات اللي ممكن يصدُق بعضها والباقي بهارات عتيقة بس لسا احسها تعطي فكرة عن المجتمع العربي والاشياء اللي يؤمن فيها. عجبني في الكتاب اختصاره وقصر صفحاته وفصوله هذا الشي خلاني ما اتكاسل اقراه وشجعني اكثر انفتح على الكتب التاريخية بدون تخوف. اهني محمد يحيى ونفسي اشتري باقي كتب السلسلة بالاضافة لاصداراته الأخرى.