nixwolfwood's reviews
1922 reviews

Take Care, Sara by Lindy Zart

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I received an ARC of this book for review. Very much enjoyed it. I absolutely love how versatile this author is with her work. No two books are the same. I especially loved how much emotion I felt while reading. I cried, a lot. I don't believe a book has ever made me feel that much before. The characters were believable and I could really connect with them. I highly recommend this book.

SpoilerAlso the dedication page is pretty freaking awesome... And made me tear up a bit.
Reflection by Kim Cresswell

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This book was a hard one to put down, there was too much on the line and I couldn't just let the characters wait for me to have time to let them finish their story! I really enjoyed this book. It was well written and the characters were both believable and amusing. I laughed a good many times, but there were also some parts where I'm pretty sure my head exploded from the unexpectedness of it.

Great book. Defiantly one people need to check out.
5/5 Platypires
Save Me by Liz Appel

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It was a cute story. It was a light and easy read as well. I recommend it to anyone who needs a quick escape from reality for a bit of amusement.
This Girl by Colleen Hoover

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It was cute but it didn't have the same affect the other two books in this series did, which is why I liked and disliked this book. I enjoyed getting to read it without all the drama that was in Slammed and Point of Retreat, but that drama is why I like this series so much.

I wasn't a big fan of the switching between past and present. The past was done well, I enjoyed that, but the present felt too rushed. It took me out of the book a few different times.

It was a nice story, but isn't required for the series. It's nice for closure in the story though.

4/5 platypires
King Hall by Scarlett Dawn

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I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. It is hard to find the right words to explain this book. King Hall was enthralling, to say the least. By far one of the best books I have ever read. Scarlett Dawn's characters were easy to connect with and felt real. In fact, the entire story felt as if it were very possible.

I loved getting to know the different factions and how they worked and seeing her spin on mystical creatures in a modern world. Also, Ezra is the first vampire I have actually enjoyed reading since I read Anne Rice books in high school. The entire time I was reading it I wanted everyone around me to read it as well, just so I could discuss it with them. Knowing that it won't be released for even one more day is torture.

I couldn't stop highlighting parts in the book. There are so many memorable moments that I want to be able to find again. I'm not one that normally highlights books, but there was so much I wanted to be able to look back and read again and again. I also pre-ordered the book, just because I wanted to own it. This book should be in everyone's collection.

I am glad to have read King Hall. It is a story that will stay with me. I look forward to reading more from Scarlett Dawn, and I am glad to have been given the opportunity to have read it early... even if this means I have to wait longer for the next book in the series.

5/5 Platypires