nixwolfwood's reviews
1922 reviews

Incomplete by Lindy Zart

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I was asked to beta read this book for an honest opinion of it.

Lindy did it again. She's created a story that drew me in, kept me on the edge of my seat, and left me wanting more.

The characters in this story seemed so real, and I could relate to a lot of what was going on - which is something I enjoy in a book. I felt the pain and happiness with them.

This is a book that should be added to everyone's to-read list... and I am in desperate need of a sequel - immediately.

5/5 platypires!
Fae by C.J. Abedi

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The synopsis looked interesting enough, so I thought it would be worth the read.

When I first started it, I was iffy about it. I'll admit, the other reviews I saw made me think to compare it to Twilight and so I was judging it a bit harsher than I should have at the beginning. But, getting into the story the comparison was completely lost. I really have no idea how the two could have been compared - other than the main character is female and is paranormal.

I really enjoyed this story. I've always been a fan of Fae, and this story did not disappoint. Then, linking it with Norse mythology, loved that!

Caroline is what I like in female lead in a story. She is strong, smart, and true to herself. I was impressed with this book and will definitely recommend it.
Don't Let Go by Michelle Lynn

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I really enjoyed this story, and it was an easy read for me. I found myself having a hard time putting it down - sleep is for the weak!

I found myself drawn to the characters, and wanting to know more about each of them. My issue with them was they were a little too over the top in a couple places, and it didn't feel realistic to me.

This story reads quickly and it's an enjoyable read. Definitely check it out if you're a fan of New Adult.

I give it:

4/5 platypires
Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale by Elisa Freilich

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I was interested in this book because I am a big fan of mythology, and I was curious to see how she would use the sirens from the Odyssey in a modern way. The beginning of the story was captivating, and I could hardly put it down. I loved how Portia was introduced and her background story. It was one of the more original characters I've read in a long while.

More towards the halfway mark of the story, the story started to lose the appeal it had towards the beginning. I was still enjoying it, but there was just some things that seemed a little too off - even for something dealing with mythological creatures in a modern age. I feel it focused too much on detail, like labels of types of clothing that most of the target audience of a young adult fantasy wouldn't known about. It pulled me away from the story a few times.

All and all, I would recommend this to fans of mythology. It was a fun read with modernized greek mythology. I give it 3/5 platypires.
King Cave by Scarlett Dawn

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I was given an ARC of this book to review in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I would like to say that I eagerly awaited this book since I finished King Hall. Like the first book, it is horrible to have to wait so long before I can talk to anyone else about the book. I want to fangirl, and rant, and whatnot with other people who have read it!

That being said, I really did enjoy this book. It started out right at the ending of book 1, so you didn't feel like you missed out on anything. Straight back into the story. That was awesome.

There were a lot of Ezra and Lily scenes in this book, and while that isn't a problem in itself - seeing as my favorite character is Pearl, there was a bit of disappointment on my part. It didn't take from the story though, she just wasn't as big of a player in this book as she was in the last.

A few times in the book something started happening and I found myself confused for a little while, but it was eventually explained. It was during those few pages of feeling lost that I found myself taken out of the story because I was worried I missed something.

I will say this, I honestly did not expect the high level of sex in the book. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't usually my cup of tea. They fit well into the story, so there were no complaints about them. I just wasn't expecting them.

More than once, I found myself raising my eyebrow at something that happened in the book. It made sense with the story, but I feel it could have been explained better to have made it easier to comprehend.

All and all, another great read from Scarlett Dawn. Highly recommend this series!

Angus Macbain and the Island of Sleeping Kings by Angela J. Townsend

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I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a fan of Celtic mythology, so I was very interested in reading this book to see how the author used it in her story - and I was impressed. She used the mythical creatures in a way that explained them to those who have no knowledge of them, and kept them enjoyable for those that do.

I was quickly drawn into the story and felt a connection for Angus almost immediately. He was written well and believably, enough so that I wanted to reach into the book and smack him upside his head a few times.

This was a quick and easy story to get into, and worth the read. I highly recommend it to fantasy and mythology lovers.

5/5 platypires