nixwolfwood's reviews
1922 reviews

Natural Harmony by Kate Roth

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I was given an ARC of this book for an honest review by the author.
I loved this story. It didn't need filled to the brink with drama to keep my attention. It was refreshing to see a woman in power, especially where she was believable enough not to have everything together or fall into her lap magically. She had things holding her back from achieving her potential and it helped to really connect with her.

At the beginning of the story, Sabrina frustrated me. She seemed like a smart woman who was being held back and too caught up in a relationship with a man that didn't deserve her. I have read too many books where the women needed a man to be in control of her so she could function. I was pleased to see how things changed for her.

Things didn't always go the way she wanted them too, but she was able to handle the situations as they came without falling into a pit of despair. It was motivational and this book was a breath of fresh air.

Lastly, Wade. He is awesome. Too many times I see books portray a man as having to be in control and ... well ... an ass. He was confident with himself in which he knew what he wanted, and went for it. He was the type of guy that I wouldn't mind dating one of my sisters and something I would love to see in books more often.

All and all, this was another great book by Kate Roth. 4/5 platypires!
Rockin' the Heart by Gracen Miller

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I was given the honor of being a Beta Reader for this book, which was incredibly excited.  Gracen Miller was not only my first indie author, but my first experience as an e-reader.  Words cannot express how very excited I was when she asked me to read it.  I knew it was going to be different than her other books, but I'm a fan of New Adult - so I was quite willing to give this book a shot.

I was not disappointed.  No offense to any of her previous works, because they're also quite good, but this was my absolute favorite of them all.  (It even made it on my top books of 2013... which was amusing, seeing as the book wasn't published yet)
Gracen is a talented writer.  I love how she's able to capture emotions of the characters in a way where you can feel them while you're reading.  There were even times where I had to put the book down for a moment so I could catch my breath.

If you haven't read any of her other books yet (you should, by the way), this is a great one to start with.

I cannot wait for the next book in this series.  5 out of 5 platypires!
Backward Compatible by Sarah Daltry

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My review: (I will post it here when I get on a computer. I thought it was already here)
Moving Forward by Emily R. Pearson

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I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I would like to state that this was very impressive for this author's first published story. I had a hard time putting it down, because I found myself absorbed in the story.

That being said, it has a lot of issues with its editing and needs a lot of work, both with content and grammar. In many cases the story was so interesting that I almost didn't notice them, but there were enough that they still stood out despite that.

The characters were, for the most part, realistic and helped keep me drawn into the story as I read. Again, there were content issues - mostly where the author would contradict herself - so it would put me off.

All and all, I did enjoy this story and I would like to read more from her. I do highly suggest to invest in a good editor, because this story has a lot of potential.
Wicked Hunger by DelSheree Gladden

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I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I found this story to be fascinating. A family needing to feed off the pain of others, it wasn't something I had read before.

The story started out as if the main character, Van, was a normal enough person... but you quickly find out she's definitely not. There's a lot about her I was curious about, and that helped fuel my desire to continue the story.

The relationship between Van and Zander, her brother, was quite possibly my favorite part. Too often siblings are written in a negative light of each other. It was nice to see something different.

The biggest drawback I found in this story was some of the characters. They seemed to really serve no purpose other than a momentary sense of amusement. It was hinted multiple times that there was a connection between Van and them, but it wasn't explained very well and those characters didn't show back up for the rest of the story.

There was one person in specific that really annoyed me. Not the character himself, I liked him. It was the reason for him being in the book. He didn't seem to have any point other than a temporary distraction that takes away from the main part of the story. Maybe he'll be more important in the rest of the series. Otherwise his entire part in this book was a waste of time and made Van really annoying.

Aside from that, I did really enjoy reading it. I liked how it ended, and I look forward to being able to reading more from this series.
The Midnight Spell by Rhiannon Frater

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I was given a copy of this book from the authors in exchange for an honest review.

Being from Texas, this was an especially interesting story. I don't often get to read about places I know. Then, how they used paranormal characters as well was pretty cool.

My favorite characters were Olivia and Drifter. Pretty much every time I burst out laughing was because of Olivia's "Pfft", and Drifter is just a really awesome guy. In the end, though, I kinda ended up feeling sorry for Drifter. He was a pretty cool character, but ended up getting shafted.

The story itself was awesome, but it needs work. Lots of times it felt too rushed, which took from a lot of the story. There were things said that ended up being contradicted and just downright being confusing.

I did like the relationship between Christy and Adam, and how important it was to them. That was the best part of the whole story.

3/5 Platypires