noldorin's reviews
58 reviews

The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
Honestly, I hate putting books on dnf and that's why I usually give them a chance no matter what and finish them even if I might not like them. 

However here I just cannot do that. 
The start is so slow and there's isn't one point for the ~50 pages where I haven't been confused about what's going on. 
I think it's the writing style that wasn't for me, I couldn't concentrate on what was happening. At first I thought it was just the first chapter that got me like that, but the more I read the more I stayed confused. I didn't know who was who, what they did, or their relationship to each other.

Just couldn't concentrate on anything going on and, unfortunately, don't want to try to push through the mess. 
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

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adventurous tense medium-paced


The first book I read by Morgenstern was The Night Circus and I instantly fell in love with the way she writes. Obviously I had to read The Starless Sea, especially after being told how good it was. 

The only reason why I'm not putting it 5 stars is due to the fact I was lost and confused for some parts due to the events and switches in everything. So that ended up being a bit difficult to read sometimes. 

However, I loved it. As always the writing is just beautiful and transports the reader. The relationships and links between the characters were well developed and I loved the fact you don't know what is really going on until close to the end. 

I think this book made me once again fall in love with Morgenstern's writing. 
And Then I Woke Up by Malcolm Devlin

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dark tense fast-paced


Such a good unreliable narrator. 

I loved the way we get to see how he thinks it happened vs the others view of it. 

Honestly not sure on how to describe it but I enjoyed the short write it was ! 
Fluids by May Leitz

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dark fast-paced


Honestly, I don't even know where to begin.

The concept could've been great, I get the whole "writing a book to help with my trauma" and I'm not going to judge the content itself -as in, the abuse in it- if part of what is written happened to the author. However this was so..... badly written.

It was a sort of self insert fiction and I honestly felt as if I had been reading a bad fan fiction on AO3.

I don't think this was beautifully written, and maybe it wasn't meant to be, but the characters actions didn't make sense, I mean they didn't make sense at all.

The first falls in love in a day, or should I say an hour, while the second is shitless scared.
One second you're reading about two women running away, the next, one of them tries to murder the other because she's paranoid, while the first woman thinks being choked to death is a love confession.

I honestly cannot make sense of this book. That may just be my opinion, but if you plan on publishing a book that has some part of your trauma in it, at least write it so that it doesn't feel like what an edgy 14 year old who thinks murder is cool would write. 

Also, skin doesn't work like this and shouldn't detach the way it did.

Overall simply felt like some kind of cliche "terrible lesbians meet each other and kill people" you find within indie horror authors.
Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnum

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dark fast-paced


I really enjoyed the body horror in this. I found the way it was written quite beautiful and
while Louise view of Edward's cheating can seem weird
, I feel like it fits the character and their relationship to each other. 

The whole "wearing his skin" spiel
was actually a pretty interesting turn in the plot, I can't really explain how it made me feel. 

Their relationship to each other was something I wish would've been explored deeper. I feel Louise loved Edward in an unconventional way and vice verse, as in the end, both wanted to remain together. 

Overall, short but nice little read. 
Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

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dark fast-paced


Went into this book only knowing the gist of it, didn't regret it.

The decadence of it all, the idea of humanity consuming each other. Trying to make the atrocities sound better by using "softer" terms, so that people can't think about who they're eating but what, really truly a great short story that was interesting to explore. 
Through the Eyes of Desperation: The Red Version by Aron Beauregard

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dark tense medium-paced


I read the Red Version right after the Black version, I love it just as much.

Being able to see Red's own way through Shadows was really great. As always, everything described can be so disturbing and even disgusting I was questioning myself sometimes. 
Through the Eyes of Desperation: The Black Version by Daniel J. Volpe

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adventurous dark sad medium-paced


Went into this whole story with high hopes for it and was genuinely impressed by it. 

I personally really like the way it's written and the fact there's two separate books that are linked together by Cee and Red is really great. 

It's a genuinely pretty gore story, while it doesn't bother me it's something to be careful about when picking it. I didn't expect it to carry that much gore, it doesn't bother me really, I just didn't expect it from the get go. 

Definitely an awesome read that is pretty quick to go through, well written and with a great story. 
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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dark fast-paced


I do think this was a good book in the way that I liked the idea of the chatroom as a way to tell a story.

I wish that the story had been a bit longer to have more dialogue and had actually been a destructive relationship for both of them. When started it I did think this would be it, and got slightly disappointed when it was basically a case of abuse.

Overall, not necessarily a bad read.