rowdya22's reviews
137 reviews

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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A uniquely fantastical tale weaving you through the story in a magical way.
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

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Rand, Mat and Perrin begin an adventure that will change their lives, and the world. Taken from their country homes by the one person who knows their potential they travel across the world being chased by creatures of the Dark One. Meeting new friends and enemies along the way they journey to the fabled Eye of The World only to discover their journey is only beginning.

Started reading this series again in preparation of the final book coming out in January. Its been a long journey but its finally coming to an end. Reading the book with some foreknowledge was excellent. [a:Robert Jordan|6252|Robert Jordan|] does an excellent job of adding important details in unlikely and unexpected places. When it is finally revealed in the end the reader can see that all the information was there the entire time but is still surprised at what happened. Jordan's writing style does take some getting used to. He is much like [a:Tolkien|6472099|Tolkien, J.R.R|] and excellent and describing the scene and painting a picture with his words, some times to much so. Regardless this is my favorite series to date.
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan

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The Horn of Valere has been found at the Eye of the World. All seems well until dark friends attack and capture it. In a desperate journey to reclaim the Horn Rand, Perrin and Mat head south after them. When finally they do retake it and are about to escape they are surrounded on all sides by Seanchan and White Cloaks. Desperate for escape Mat sounds the Horn and calls dead heroes back from the grave to save them. The shadow has a counter and Ba'alzamon appears and battles Rand as the Dragon Reborn.
The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan

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Desperate to change his fate Rand knows that there is only one sure way to prove that he is not the Dragon Reborn. He decides to face prophecy head on and prove it false. Taking Callandor and the fall of the stone of Tear would be a sure sign that the Dragon is reborn. Meanwhile, Mat, finally cured of the illness caused by the dagger finds that he has an increase in luck and is pulled to Tear. Perrin meets Faile and is pulled to Tear as well. Finally with three Ta'veren in the city Rand claims Callandor during a fight with the Forsaken and proclaims himself the Dragon Reborn.