ryansiriwardene's reviews
439 reviews

A Whole Life by Robert Seethaler

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The cover is beautiful but there were parts I kept dropping the book as it was putting me to sleep. I tried it and it was not my cup of tea.
My Ex-Life by Stephen McCauley

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I'm not sure if I was paying much attention while reading this. This is the fastest I've read a book since reading dan brown
Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf

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Talk about fresh spinoff Romeo and Juliet in the modern times.
The Truth App by Jack Heath

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I know I'm not the right demographic but I feel this book dumbs down how a real criminal behaves.
Everything Under by Daisy Johnson

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I was easily distracted throughout this book that I got lost. Yet I preserved.
Lullaby by Leïla Slimani

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Um I am very confused by the structure of this book. Did I miss how she killed the kids? It feels incomplete, was it translated properly?
Fear by Dirk Kurbjuweit

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Not an action thriller. The cover was misleading yet I still enjoy the narrative