solitaint's reviews
236 reviews

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

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I don’t read historical fiction. BUT THIS. So many people have told me to read this, and I finally did!
So. It is World War 2 the story starts in 1939, and ends in 1945, like the war.
Basically it’s about this girl (Liesel) who’s taken to go to this foster family. There she becomes friends with a boy called Rudy Steiner, and they steal stuff. AND LIESEL STEALS BOOKS. (Hence the name: The Book Thief) Stuff happens and Liesel’s foster parents (Hans and Rosa) hide a Hewish man in their basement. Max (the Jewish man) and Liesel form a very strong bond over words.
Also, the story is narrated by Death. But he wasn’t all dark & depressing tm. He was just ugh. It’s hard to explain. Go read it yourself.
The way Hans and Rosa were constantly saying they hate each other and calling each other names, BECAUSE they love each other makes my heart melt.
Nemesis by Brendan Reichs

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I did enjoy this but oh god I was confused.
It was really great in the beginning and the recipe for a perfect psychological thriller murder mystery, but the ending kind of made everything really complicated and took away that aspect for me??? I did get attached to the characters, and I really liked Min as a narrator. Noah’s perspective was really interesting to read from too, since he’s kind of the guy people take advantage of because there’s no one home most of the time/they have a pretty big house ect. And look who relates to that. (Not the big house bit though. I wish I had a big house)

I had a random urge to celebrate Halloween in July this year, and so I just read a bunch of thrillers and mysteries. The eerie thing was it sort of fit the vibe. That makes no sense. Just ignore.

IN CONCLUSION, I did enjoy this, and I own the sequel but who knows when I’ll be actually reading it.
The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell

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- dnf -

Ok I hate that I didn’t finish this or enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I don’t have much to say about it other than I just wasn’t invested. That said, I do think I might try it again sometime.
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

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- dnf -

I don’t really have any feelings on this. My library just wanted it back. They were going charge me lol
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

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I don’t like to read classics much, but my bookish friend, Christina (a link to her gr-> )
She read it for one of her classes and loved so I decided to aswell.
It’s about this 14-year-old, Ponyboy Curtis who’s grown up in this gang who call themselves ‘greasers’
The greaser’s enemy are the socs (short for socials, who are wealthier than most people)
The socs often get into fights with the greasers, but one night it goes too far. That’s pretty much all I can say without spoiling it.
The whole idea of the book didn’t sound like something I would like but at a point I got REALLY into it.
I think it’s one of those classics that really teaches you something about life, and what it’s like to live and all I don’t know how to explain it rip (that sounds like something my english teacher would say) overall I think this book deserves to be called a classic. I was also pleasantly surprised at how many people here have shelved it, since I hadn’t heard of it previously.