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toriedawn1's reviews
781 reviews
The Very First Damned Thing by Jodi Taylor
This book was interesting. it definitely makes you want to see what happens next, the series has now been added to my tbr pile
Soulless: The Manga, Vol. 1 by Gail Carriger
I just could not bring myself to enjoy this story in this format. I have read the original several times and was excited to see some of the charachters however now i've read it I don't believe it makes a good graphic novel. a lot of what makes this series so good is the personalities of the characters and some of Alexias internal commentary, almost all of this is lost in the graphic novel. certain conversations have also been edited which also took away from the sass Alexia achieves in the original. perhaps if this is your preffered media format and this is the only way you plan to read it then this is for you. If you have read or are planning to read the actual book I probhably wouldn't reccomend this format.
Love in Touch by Lucy May Lennox
This is an excellent book for the most part though the characters can be a little frustrating at times. Kassie is rather thoughtless about Jakes disability at times (first date at a baseball game where she sits between him and his intervener springs to mind). That being said they are both very young and atleast mostly sweet.
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
This book confused me as honestly Anna feels like one of many charachters rather than a title character, afterall ||she is dead for the last 9 chapters|| that being said I did enjoy the book, the storyline continues throughout, no wasted pages on overly descriptive text. I find it incredible that eventhough this was written almost a century and a half ago there are still things that are so relatable. Anna needed help though, therapy and possibly medication
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Another instance of am I just too dumb to fully understand this book. honestly it bored me, it was supposed to leave you wondering but I honestly couldnt have cared less I was simply thankful the book had ended, clearly this is not the book for me. I added a star as the children were intriguing characters at times.
Romancing the Inventor by Gail Carriger
I am a sucker for all of Gail's books but I especially love it where characters that we have watched grow have finally got their happy ending, afterall we met Vieve at 9 in the finishing school series and in this book she is 37 and finally ready for a happily ever after. It is only a short story, an easy read but packed full of romance, sentiment and fun.
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
I really loved this book, the characters are brilliant and I laughed at Howell's Dramatic personality and Sophies ability to simply go with it. for a young girl sophisticated plays the part of cantankerous old woman with ease. the only issue I had with this book was the ending. it just felt a little flat for me, not as well written as the rest of the book in my opinion, everything that should happen does it simply fell a little lacking. Overall though it was a good book that I would reccomend.
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
A facinating book. it is told in the formst of a diary, you are seeing events unfold through the eyes of Axel, the assistant and nephew to the rather mad scientist. this book draws you in and feels very real. I'd reccomend this book.
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Review: why did this win a prize? I don't understand. this old stubborn guy refuses to admit defeat when he captures this gigantic fish which would be too much for a man half his age to handle. He keeps determinedly hold of this fish as it pulls him days away from the shore. he eventually kills it after days and lashes it to the side of his boat. He an experienced fisherman lashes this bleeding fish to the side of his boat in shark infested waters days away from land, because that seems smart. I was just so annoyed by everything in this book, the old man wasn't brave and determined, he was stubborn and stupid and he killed that fish for no reason. I do not reccomend this book.
Blame It on the Mistletoe by Eli Easton
This book is so cute, I couldnt help but love it, loved both the characters and the storyline wasnt half as cringey as most of the other books I've read in this genre.