toriedawn1's reviews
781 reviews

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

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I tried to read this book years ago before I watched the tv show and was completely lost. There were so many stories to try to follow and so many names to keep track of that I just couldnt keep. You may wonder why then I have rated this book 5 stars, it is because after having watched the tv show I tried the book again, this time it was a completely different experience, now that I know the characters and familys I was able to appreciate the amazing story.
Dangerous by Kelley Armstrong

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This was a really good novella, it was good to see the story in more depth and see why later choices were made.
Divided by Kelley Armstrong

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In my opinion this one wasn't quite as good as the first novella though we do get to really see the beginnings of Dereks feelings for Chloe
Disenchanted by Kelley Armstrong

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Okay so its possible that I am biassed as I wanted this time period from Dereks perspective like the other two novellas, however this story just didn't grab my attention like the other two. Tori did get over her infatuation with Simon though which gives it points.
Darkest Powers Bonus Pack 2 by Kelley Armstrong

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Belonging was a good story, we were able to see a little more of Werewolf pack dynamics and Chloe showed her usual skill of somehow getting of danger unscathed. Facing Facts tied up a few loose ends and provided a little more closure, also more Derek and Chloe so I was happy.
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow by George R.R. Martin

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As other people have mentioned this book is a little slower than the first two, though I imagine that is because this book and the next were originally sold as one book. There is still plenty happening in this book to keep you interested and enhance the story. wont say much more as I'd rather read the next book but with each book I'd reccomend the series more.
A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold by George R.R. Martin

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With each book this world grows and I fall more in love. things aren't going well for the Starks, or anyone really other than Daenerys. The book is also edging away from the TV show, only in small details so far though
The Danger Gang by Tom Fletcher

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This Book is perfect for children, it is written in the format of letters from the main character sent to his best friend therefore it is all written in language that is easy for young readers to understand. there is plenty of humour and there are illustrations throughout. It took me about four hours to read and look at all the pictures. My seven year old read it in about 8 sittings of an hour each so its a fairly quick read. I would reccomend this book.
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

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I really struggled to rate this book, I loved the story and the characters however the writing was heavy and dragged. The fact that the chapters were named by what part of the world they were in rather than being named for the character the chapter was narrated by did not help as often you had to get a paragraph in before you even knew who was speaking. I think it would make a good TV series but I'd never read the actual book again which is why I rated it only three stars.
Visions by Sinclair Smith

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I read this book in one sitting. it's the kind of mystery that has you constantly trying to figure out who the killer is and usually you are wrong. It was fast paced and felt a little rushed in parts however as it is only 266 pages that isn't suprising. Overall it was a good story that succeeded in pulling me in but I feel it would have benefitted from a little more lead up.