unhingedgirlreader's reviews
131 reviews

I Remain In Darkness by Annie Ernaux

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No woman will ever be this close to me, it’s like she’s a part of me. 

I remembered that when I walked in, the woman next to my mother was stroking her neck and legs. Being alive is being caressed, being touched. 

Everything I do reminds me of her.

Água Viva by Clarice Lispector

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My unbalanced words are the wealth of my silence, I write in acrobatics and pirouettes in the air - I write because I so deeply want to speak. Though writing only gives the full measure of silence. 

My Mother Laughs by Chantal Akerman

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the ending was beautiful. the whole text is deeply saddening and so touching. there is a lot hidden between words, just like in her films, where there is a lot hidden in the pictures.