
Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers by Stefan Zweig

tativieira's review against another edition

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emotional reflective slow-paced


urtencija's review against another edition

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emotional informative sad medium-paced


Labai pagauliai papasakota apie Europą Zweigo gyvenimo laikais: kaip Europa gyveno iki pasaulinių karų ir kaip jie ją pakeitė. Per smulkius įvykius, idėjas, žmones ir jų elgesį Zweigas perteikia ne konkrečius visiems žinomus faktus, bet emocinį, kultūrinį to laikmečio foną.

tahinisaltsummer's review against another edition

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dark informative reflective sad tense fast-paced


Zutiefst persönlich, und trotzdem sehr informativ :( nicht so viele Bücher haben mich derart berührt

kirsten0929's review against another edition

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[1942] Translated from German. 6/5 stars. Notes to self…Masterful. He says that it’s much easier to reconstruct facts than an intellectual atmosphere and the latter can be done through small personal episodes. There are facts and events covered, certainly, but what’s important is the atmosphere he creates for us. This book covers the time from his birth in 1881 to when Britain and France declare war on Germany in 1939. I learned more about this 60 year period of history from this book than I could have from any old musty history book. Compelling - especially the years of World War I. Almost nothing of his own personal life, and yet still very personal and insightful, the focus is fully outward, on the world, more specifically on Europe, during this time. He is a writer of certain level of fame so it is a world of art and literature that shapes his perspective and, therefore, the narrative. He is unabashedly in awe of his fellow creators and heroes, so complimentary, generous, and humble. He see the best in everyone, feels gratitude for all he has and all he experiences. Seems surprised and genuinely delighted at any recognition and success he achieves. The writing is gorgeous, warm, and gracious. I was hooked from page one.

maryy19's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative inspiring sad fast-paced


ana_qq's review against another edition

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Fica-se com uma sensação de vazio depois de acabar de ler. Um olhar triste para um tempo que se sabe nunca mais será o mesmo. Aquela nostalgia estranha que se tem quando alguém sente saudades de algo que nunca viveu.

ctyowza's review against another edition

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informative reflective relaxing tense medium-paced


hermen's review against another edition

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dark emotional inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


pjv1013's review against another edition

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emotional inspiring lighthearted reflective sad slow-paced


gomoon's review against another edition

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emotional informative
