bookishrealm's reviews
3761 reviews

Aya by Marguerite Abouet

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Update: Here's the full review:

Loved loved loved!! It is a different perspective of Africa and a great one at that! Ahhh just go pick it up. I already requested the rest of the series from my library!
Aya of Yop City by Marguerite Abouet

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Update! Here's my full review:

That ending !! I'm already reading the 3rd book it was so freaking good!
The Secrets Come Out by Marguerite Abouet

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Update!! Full Written Review:

This definitely was just as good as the first two volumes. I can't wait to do a full written and video review of this series. If you haven't read it yet you definitely need to check it out and soon.
Sweetness and Lightning, Volume 1 by Gido Amagakure

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I read this book as a part of the #gettinggraphic readathon and I definitely enjoyed it. I've had this thing lately with cooking manga and I've really enjoyed them; however, this one didn't peak my interest as much as I thought it would. I loved the artwork and I loved that the story focused on a dad that wanted to do nothing more than cook for his daughter or at least learn how to cook; however, it was really slow.

The characters were fun at times, but other times they weren't that interesting and it forced me to take breaks from the manga. I wish the plot moved faster, but it didn't so I didn't find myself as engaged. I am interested in seeing where it goes, the development of relationships, and if the dad is going to learn to cook well enough to satisfy his daughter.
Grimm Fairy Tales: Return to Wonderland by Raven Gregory

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So I've been reading Grimm Fairy Tales and this story is part of the "spin-off" stories I believe. I found the reading order somewhere on-line and after finishing volume 3 this was the next one I was supposed to read. I didn't really enjoy it. Don't get me wrong the artwork was great, but it was the actual story-line that I did not enjoy. It could have done some great things, but it just felt as if it was all over the place and it couldn't find a means to truly establish a story. In all I could have done without the story, but I think there are future parts of this story that tie into the Grimm Fairy Tales arc. Overall, not the greatest and I wouldn't recommend it.
Lady Killer by Jamie Rich

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I started this one for #gettinggraphic and it was one that was recommended to me. It was amazing! I loved the whole mixing of the 1950s housewife and the assassins. It was a unique combination that I've never seen before. It was wonderful to read and the artwork was amazing. The main character is just a bad ass female character who balances life between being a mom and wife and a crazy killer. And for some reason she's able to make it seem so effortless. If you haven't checked this out I would definitely recommend it.
I Am Josephine: by Jan Thornhill, Jacqui Lee

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This was a cute non-fiction picture book. It definitely is a good choice if you're interested in teaching children the difference and similarities between living things, humans, animals, mammals, etc. I like that it does give characteristics associated with each category for readers to learn more. The only negative thing about this book is that it doesn't give an interesting tie-in story. It's almost as if the information is cut and dry.
Fluff My Life by Skottie Young

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I only have one line for this review: when does the third volume come out?
Madly Ever After by Skottie Young

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Update! Here's my review:

Holy freaking crap this book was hilarious! I mean freaking hilarious. I absolutely loved it and I recommend it to everyone! If you haven't read it you need to pick it up. I thought it was a kiddy comic book, but I was so wrong. It definitely is for adults. The artwork was wonderful and the storyline was even better. I could gush over this book for forever! Just go and pick it up!
Girls, The Complete Collection by Joshua Luna, Jonathan Luna

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This was the weirdest and I mean weirdest comic book I've read in a while. It definitely had some great aspects about it including the premise of these aliens coming to earth to multiply and take over. It made my skin crawl every time one of the characters talked about it though. I mean hatching from eggs? That's just sick. I can't believe that I read all 600 pages of this so quickly and I think it's because I kept wanting to figure out why these girls were there in the first place. What I didn't like about it was the fact that as a reader you never really get the answer to that question. Some of the characters fell flat and the ending and resolution seemed a bit rushed. If you're into science fiction comics I would check this one out, but don't go in expecting something completely epic. Just enjoy it for what it is. I think that one of the most interesting aspects of this comic for me was definitely the artwork. I read Alex + Ada, all three volumes, maybe two years ago and the characters from that comic series look exactly like the characters in this series. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but Jonathan Luna definitely has an obvious style. Either way I'm glad I read it randomly and got to see more of their work.