bookwormdaily's reviews
610 reviews

DallerGut Dream Department Store by Mi-Ye Lee 이미예

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adventurous hopeful inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


“i’m proud of myself for all the achievement i’ve made so far. i did a great job in the past and will do well at whatever i set my mind to.”

in this book, we follow Penny who works in Dream Department Store, selling dreams to people. Besides Penny, there is also a subplot about a specific customer and dreamaker—a person who makes dreams—

this book is so cosy, warm, heartwarming. i love the setting, places, and all the characters that appear in this book. they are so unique and different and lovable. they have their problem and it’s so fun to see how those things shape their character today.

i lost count of how many “cute” i said while reading this book, and also how often i giggled and smiled. i also love Dallergut, he is such a wise and loveable person, that everyone can pleasantly come to him when they have problems and questions.

also, Penny as a main character is such a ray of sunshine character, i love her curiosity and how hardworking she is.

i can’t wait for the second book to come out because i already miss this universe.

The Arson Project by Akaigita

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adventurous lighthearted medium-paced
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Aku tidak bisa menolak apapun permintaanmu, karena aku tidak terlahir dengan pilihan-pilihan.

Buku ini bercerita tentang Mike dan Kara, yang memulai persahabatan saat Kara menghabiskan liburan di villa keluarganya dan bertemu dengan Mike—anak petugas kebersihan— di villa yang berada tak jauh dari villa keluarga Kara. Persahabatan anak-anak ini berlanjut bahkan setelah liburan dan 7 tahun berlalu, sekarang mereka telah menjadi anak SMA. .

Kara dan Mike adalah dua karakter dari dua dunia yang berbeda, Kara dari keluarga berkecukupan dan Mike yang harus hidup dengan ibu yang punya banyak hutang dan bekerja jadi petugas bersih-bersih.

Unsur romance cuman jadi bumbu-bumbu di buku ini, sebagian besar dijabarkan tentang karakter, apalagi tentang kehidupan Mike. Mike yang pintar, menyukai api dan punya asma. Dia yg sering dibully, tidak punya pilihan dalam hidup, dan bertanya-tanya tentang ayahnya dan mengapa sang ayah tidak hidup bersamanya dan ibunya.

Buku ini menawarkan adventure feelings yang kental dan seru, tapi sejujurnya setengah buku aku merasa tidak terkoneksi dengan karakter-karakternya karna pov dari karakter di buku ini yang terlalu random dan melompat-lompat begitu pula dengan plotnya. Selain itu, walaupun sudah SMA dan dewasa aku merasa dari isi buku ini terlalu middle grade dan ‘childish’ penulisannya jadi nggak terlalu nyaman dan terasa nggak konsisten.

Nanti setelah masalah dan misterinya muncul, barulah aku merasa excited untuk mencari tahu pelaku dan alasan terbentuknya masalah ini. Membuat karakternya secara nggak langsung jadi lebih bold dan terhighlight.

Aku juga suka, penulis yg bawa tema api dan arson jadi salah satu jembatan pembalasan dendam dan penunjukkan emosi karakter. Karna nggak banyak yg pake trope ini.

At the end, i still would read other book by Akaigita. Karena aku tahu seberapa unik dan beda buku-bukunya. 
How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holly Black

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adventurous challenging emotional mysterious fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 i enjoy reading this short story so much. very fairytale-ish with story telling element that being the link to Cardan’s life. i love how i can see his pov and why he ended up become this hateful, villain character in the cruel prince trilogy. 
Far District: Poems by Ishion Hutchinson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
the writing style isn’t my liking
Neuromancer by William Gibson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
the writing style is not my cup of tea
Kisah-Kisah Rohani Pembangkit Semangat by Gospel Press

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informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


 this book is a collection of story, masing-masing chapter ada ayat alkitab dan quote, diikuti dengan cerita nyata tentang individu-individu yang relatable dengan ayat alkitab tersebut. buku yang bisa dibaca satu chapter per hair, menguatkan, memberikan inspirasi dan pengetahuan ttg kekristenan dan kasih Kristus. 
The Defense Lawyer: The Barry Slotnick Story by James Patterson, Benjamin Wallace

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informative tense


about Barry Slotnick as a defence lawyer in New York. throughout the book, we follow each big and important case he took. it is such an exhilarating experience reading how Slotnick represents his argument in the courtroom, the cases are all unique and put me on a roller coaster of emotions. i love to learn about the justice system in the US and how their law is being represented. i have notes over the term that i’m not familiar with and i think this is such a new reading experience. 

i sometimes get bored with the plot and also the politic and the drama with the reporter that being included i think isn’t necessary. 
Twisted Hate by Ana Huang

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  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


this is going to be my fav book from this ‘twisted’ series. i love the embodiment of enemy to lovers and how i as a reader can truly feel the enemy vibes between the two main characters. also, the fact, that they’ve known each other for 7 years gives the more in dept relationship added into this book. the doctor x lawyer element is my fav, i desperately want this job trope appear more often in the book. i love the main characters and their layer of emotion, love Jules especially because she is such a independent and hard-working woman. 

sometimes i felt a little bit lost because the plot suddenly jump out into a certain moment without any explanation but nonetheless, i do enjoy reading this book so much!! 
Kuda by Panji Sukma

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Sejak Empu Manyu tak lagi menerima pesanan keris, sumur hartanya kini kering-asat ditinggalkan mata air. Kini yang tersisa hanya dua hal, yakni rumah megah yang semakin berkarat dan nama baik yang ia berusaha selalu jaga.

Kuda bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang anak laki-laki bernama Kuda yang hidup bersama ayahnya Empu Manyu. Kehidupannya yang penuh misteri, dengan unsur budaya indonesia, memadupadankan pewayangan, sejarah keris, dari masa orde baru, krisis moneter sampai masa sekarang.

Lebih banyak dikisahkan tentang Empu Manyu, buku ini ditulis dengan sangat rapi perkembangan karakter dan gejolak yang dialami selama hidupnya. Persahabatan, hukum tabur tuai, politik indonesia, budaya masyarakat. Dengan nilai moral kebaikan yang buat aku merasa heartwarming di tengah twist yang bertubi-tubi. Akhir bukunya sangat tidak terprediksi, aku sampai bengong sambil berusaha mencerna.

104 halaman yang nggak terasa saking mengalirnya penulisan dalam buku ini, detail dan deskriptif. I want to read more book by this author. 
Empedu Tanah by Inggit Putria Marga

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kumpulan puisi tentang perempuan, yang ditindas, jadi korban pemerkosaan, kdrt, dibunuh, ditelantarkan. heartbreaking with beautiful writing style and metaphor