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buthainna's reviews
344 reviews
1984 by George Orwell
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? No
- Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
- Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
الفتى الذي أحب by Durjoy Datta
على الرغم من الملخص السوداوي المكتوب خلف الكتاب، الا ان النهاية طلعت اسوأ بكثير مما توقعت.
حزين ورائع جدًا. اصبح على قائمة كتبي المفضلة واعتبره جوهرة مدفونة.
راغو يعيش في حزن شديد منذ وفاة صديقه، ويريد ان يضمن حياة سعيدة لاسرته قدر الامكان قبل ان ينهي حياته. يريد ان يكون اخوه "دادا" هو ابنهما المثالي ليعوضهم عنه.
لكن دادا ذهب وتزوج بمسلمة لا يرضى بها ابويه الهندوسيين المتعصبين بشدة، وغادر المنزل.
وراغو يقع في حب زميلته في المدرسة اللي تتمنى ان تموت بقدر تمني راغو ان يموت هو.
الرواية مكتوبة على شكل مذكرات يوميه بقلم راغو.
حزين ورائع جدًا. اصبح على قائمة كتبي المفضلة واعتبره جوهرة مدفونة.
راغو يعيش في حزن شديد منذ وفاة صديقه، ويريد ان يضمن حياة سعيدة لاسرته قدر الامكان قبل ان ينهي حياته. يريد ان يكون اخوه "دادا" هو ابنهما المثالي ليعوضهم عنه.
لكن دادا ذهب وتزوج بمسلمة لا يرضى بها ابويه الهندوسيين المتعصبين بشدة، وغادر المنزل.
وراغو يقع في حب زميلته في المدرسة اللي تتمنى ان تموت بقدر تمني راغو ان يموت هو.
الرواية مكتوبة على شكل مذكرات يوميه بقلم راغو.
Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia by Pamela Spiro Wagner, Carolyn S. Spiro
I'm on the hunt for memoirs on schizophrenia, there is scarcity on the subject so I couldn't believe my luck when I found this book about the unique perspective of twins!
Schizophrenia is scary enough of a mental disorder nowadays, just imagine what it was like in 60s and 70s.
I felt a lot during this book, I felt dread when Pam detailed her hallucinations (especially the commanding ones), I felt shock when they described "oddities" in Pam's behavior as a teen which in retrospect could've been prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia. I felt appalled at how alone she was! Terrible families exist all over the world, but in the east they're a lot more tight-knit and nobody would be left alone like that, especially when they have such an illness that makes them a risk for themselves.
The book gave me perspective on the exhaustion and helplessness that comes with frequent hospitalizations and ineffective medications. How psychosis completely alters a person's life.
After getting better on ECT sessions, Pam says "I've lived inside the nightmarish fragments of a time and country beyond understanding. An everlasting present that has no connection to anything or anyone. I've been literally in a world of my own. Small, terrifying, and constricted as this world is, it's been all I know"
"In catatonia, I abdicate living -not by choice, it's true- but nevertheless I am for that time effectively lifeless. And I come close to relinquishing life altogether in my compulsion -governed by the command hallucinations of the hazmat man- to burn myself alive to atone for imaginary crimes."
I just learned that Carolyn passed away in 2019, however at one point in the book Carolyn states "I know the statistics, I'll probably outlive her (Pam)" and that made me sad.
Schizophrenia is scary enough of a mental disorder nowadays, just imagine what it was like in 60s and 70s.
I felt a lot during this book, I felt dread when Pam detailed her hallucinations (especially the commanding ones), I felt shock when they described "oddities" in Pam's behavior as a teen which in retrospect could've been prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia. I felt appalled at how alone she was! Terrible families exist all over the world, but in the east they're a lot more tight-knit and nobody would be left alone like that, especially when they have such an illness that makes them a risk for themselves.
The book gave me perspective on the exhaustion and helplessness that comes with frequent hospitalizations and ineffective medications. How psychosis completely alters a person's life.
After getting better on ECT sessions, Pam says "I've lived inside the nightmarish fragments of a time and country beyond understanding. An everlasting present that has no connection to anything or anyone. I've been literally in a world of my own. Small, terrifying, and constricted as this world is, it's been all I know"
"In catatonia, I abdicate living -not by choice, it's true- but nevertheless I am for that time effectively lifeless. And I come close to relinquishing life altogether in my compulsion -governed by the command hallucinations of the hazmat man- to burn myself alive to atone for imaginary crimes."
I just learned that Carolyn passed away in 2019, however at one point in the book Carolyn states "I know the statistics, I'll probably outlive her (Pam)" and that made me sad.
What My Mother and I Don't Talk About: Fifteen Writers Break the Silence by Michele Filgate
I'll come back to write a review later
السندباد الأعمى: أطلس البحر والحرب by بثينة العيسى
نعم، انا من جيل "البكائين الدبقين، الساقطين في رثاء الذات" كما وصفه نواف.
لكن كتابات بثينة دائما تشعل فيني توق لزمن لا يستهويني، لذائقة لا تناسبني.
اتابع مراجعات "السندباد الاعمى" منذ عام تقريبا ولم ار احدا قط يتحدث عما هيته. من وين ابتدي؟
الشخصيات كثير، وكل له قصته وعمقه، لكن في الاخير بطلتنا هي مناير.
مناير ابنة الثمان سنين، تعيش في عائلة يطبق عليها الصمت. صمت عن اختفاء امها، انطواء ابيها وعدم مقدرته على رؤيتها.
وبعدها، مناير ابنة الثمان وثلاثين سنة، التي لا زالت تعيش في صمت.
ملاحظة ظريفة: القصة تبدأ اثناء احتلال الكويت، وتنتهي اثناء جائحة كورونا، وفي الحالتين نرى الناس وهي منعزلة في بيوتها، مرة لتفادي المتفجرات واخرى لتفادي الفيروسات.
لكن كتابات بثينة دائما تشعل فيني توق لزمن لا يستهويني، لذائقة لا تناسبني.
اتابع مراجعات "السندباد الاعمى" منذ عام تقريبا ولم ار احدا قط يتحدث عما هيته. من وين ابتدي؟
الشخصيات كثير، وكل له قصته وعمقه، لكن في الاخير بطلتنا هي مناير.
مناير ابنة الثمان سنين، تعيش في عائلة يطبق عليها الصمت. صمت عن اختفاء امها، انطواء ابيها وعدم مقدرته على رؤيتها.
وبعدها، مناير ابنة الثمان وثلاثين سنة، التي لا زالت تعيش في صمت.
ملاحظة ظريفة: القصة تبدأ اثناء احتلال الكويت، وتنتهي اثناء جائحة كورونا، وفي الحالتين نرى الناس وهي منعزلة في بيوتها، مرة لتفادي المتفجرات واخرى لتفادي الفيروسات.
Asleep by Banana Yoshimoto
I really did not like this one. I read the entire book in the two days I was in bed due to a flu, my brain was kinda muddled and the book didn't entertain me much.
I'm a huge fan of Kitchen, and Asleep felt like the watered-down version of it (even though it came out a year later, if I'm not mistaken).
I hated how the stories revolved around women's attachment to disinterested men. And the sadness was explicitly expressed too many times, it didn't feel melancholic anymore.
I'm a huge fan of Kitchen, and Asleep felt like the watered-down version of it (even though it came out a year later, if I'm not mistaken).
I hated how the stories revolved around women's attachment to disinterested men. And the sadness was explicitly expressed too many times, it didn't feel melancholic anymore.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb
This was so fun and easy to read, you'd think it was a novel.
I wish I had a therapist
I wish I had a therapist